via Tao
Pittsburgh spots make ConEd Banks look like MACBA. Mini ramps with tree branches for coping, banks that need ten sheets of plywood to get to, and cracks obfuscated by six-pack holders all in Justin Funk’s “SCORCHER” video, presented by our friends over at Vague.
“A split second after I took that photo both of those cats, like, mauled Aaron. He was trying to hold them together and it just wasn’t working. They scratched him so hard he was bleeding out of his forearm. He was over rounding them up, like, ‘I don’t think it’s gonna happen…'” Skate Bylines interviewed the mind behind Heckride for some B.T.S. stories and inspo talk around his photo book of skaters and their pets. Wishbone and Hashbrown are really good pet names.
“What does that say to the viewing and/or purchasing audience when the website for a skateboarding company doesn’t promote who its paid representatives are? To me, that signals that they aren’t important. Or aren’t as important as I was once led to believe in the heyday of print media, where team line-ups were prominently placed in a company’s monthly ads.” Simple Magic beating a drum that we’ll happily join in echoing: put a team page on your goddamn website, skate companies. We want more than a Shopify store and an Instagram.
“I’ve never ollied from plywood to plywood over a dumpster but it reminds me very much of the way I grew up. We didn’t have a lot of spots so we had to get creative.” Sam Narvaez talks Huf, Dylan, Drehobl and Penny for Slam City Skates’ “Visuals” series.
Known goat John Gardner was the latest interview on the Beyond Boards podcast + Spanky was the latest guest on the Living Proof podcast.
There’s something very skater about stealing a Bentley but not knowing how to drive it. Kinda like your homie who makes you film a line with a switch flip back tail when he has never switch flip back tailed in his entire dumbass life.
Five-year moratorium on pants content, starting now.
Four Loko asks: If nicotine could come roaring back, why not us?
Loosies Corner — Sagua week with some 2024 Stafhon Boca throwaways x Sour week with some Vincent Huhta loosies and some Martin Sandberg loosies. Can’t wait for the Sour team’s trip to Mississauga.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week — Ja’Kobe Walter for the win to have Raptors fans crying about their tanking odds in the comments. “Is this one of your favorite rants of all time, Shaq?”
Quote of the Week “Who are the apex twins?” — Slicky Boy
Rest in Peace Roy Ayers
noah johnsons first order of business at highsnob should be to fire jake silbert asap