Chuck’s Viral Sunburn

#mood via Humidity Skateshop

Leo Heinert’s Blitz Jam series hosted an impromptu skate jam at Flushing last week, and a bunch of wild shit went down. Really sick seeing people huck down the six, which feels like it hasn’t seen a ton of action since they renovated it over COVID. Brandon has got to go back for that 360 flip — that was wild.

Hypebeast paid a visit to Carpet Company HQ in Baltimore, and came back with a video exploring the two brothers’ creative and production process.

Soo Saxton is back with Gabe Shah for another six minute part filmed entirely in New York. You can feel the cold through the screen in some of those clips.

Skate Jawn spoke with Cyrus Bennett about 180 fakie manuals over a compilation of Cyrus doing …180 fakie manuals.

Antosh Cimoszko hit Hawaii with Hugo Boserup, Diego Todd, David Stenstrom, Gabe Thompson, Stafhon Boca, Aaron Loreth, Lance Mountain, and Jesse Alba for Stussy. Noseslide 270!

“I think the things that actually make skating ‘cool’ or worth watching are pretty hard to put in a spreadsheet.” Solo spoke spoke to the mind behind 4Ply about statistics, spreadsheets and skateboarding.

Ian Ostrowski put together a tribute / recap of his friend, Troy Gipson’s going pro celebration, with B.T.S. from what looks like before even the Genesis days, right into the present.

Simple Magic reflects on “the second coming of our viral deity,” Versace Plug. (People know that sometimes skaters turn down sponsorship offers, right? Like even the good ones? It’s called soul skating! Not speaking for Mr. Plug directly, but just in general.)

The Hélas boys hit Milan to do what people in Milan do: Skate some fuckin’ ledges, baby!!! Features Pedro Attenborough, Brayan Albarenga, Mikel Vidal and Antoine Volle.

“Ultimately, Ishod is a classicist, breathing new life into old forms, and not afraid to occasionally be goofy with the fundamentals.” Waxing the Curb has a #longform dive into Ishod Wair’s career.

iPhone Loosies Corner 🚬 — 11 minutes from Una Farrar on account of her joining the pro ranks + a few minutes of Dick Rizzo loosies (that ride-on switch nosegrind shuv…) + a few minutes of Jacopo.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week 🏀 — In full disclosure, this Monday Links edition was filed early so as to take off the rest of Sunday for sports (!) and rain (😒), so it’s going to Jimmy’s OT-forcing shot v.s. Milwaukee in game 5. Yeah, yeah, “he pushed off,” but it was in front of the ref, and we’re not refs. You can be mad — “oMg n0T a KniX hiiiilIgHT!?” — grow up.

Quote of the Week 🗣
Pad Dowd: “I told them I was in T Dot.”
Cory McNeil: “Ok, O.G.”

Wasn’t Max supposed to get out in April? It’s May!


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