Fred & Paul • by Jersey Dave
The curved median ledge on Canal, just one block east of the Hudson River, has been one of those “why is this waxed?” mysteries for years. Everyone had always assumed BMXers or rollerbladers, and while that may have been the case for past years, Zak Anders (from RESPECTFULLY) lipslid it in his new “COW BOY” part, putting the first known skate footage of it to record. Appropriate that it would be across the street from what is still one of the most fucked New York clips that Brandon Westgate ever logged.
Peak-era Brian Brown was truly a magic talent on a skateboard. Joe Cups dropped an extended footy tape of his from 2004, a lot of which was in Vicious Cycle, but a lot of which wasn’t (The reigning S.O.T.Y. cited that part as one of his reasons for wanting to move out east…)
Stefano Kerster A.K.A. @steffybigpotatoes released a 25-minute extras edit from his It’s All Love video that dropped late last summer.
Elijah Odom has a new Skate Jawn interview by Joel Meinholz + young skate encyclopedia Nick Michel has a new Solo interview.
Five minutes of loosies from Josh Wilson, the MVP from the latest Bronze project.
The gentlemen behind Headgear Unlimited have a new edit out that’s a blend of upstate and city footage. Also via Skate Jawn.
Our friend Guillaume Thibault released “HARDKOUR” on Thrasher — a Montreal video featuring a ton of Dime affiliates + the last known sighting of Charles Rivard turning up on a board, in what might potentially be CGI footage.
Village Psychic has an extended Vans contest recap up, in case our E.B.T.G. recap was insufficient for you
Some stubborn types think that “baggy pants are here to stay,” completely neglecting every known piece of science behind fashion cycles. But if a dude behind a popular streetwear line with a skate team (?) is pushing Big Boy silhouettes at his mall brand job — to great success, mind you — it stands to reason that the powers that be at skateboarding’s ground level are all but certain to reverse course on pants in due time. Can’t wait for vintage Krew skinnies to fetch $125 on Depop in Q1 2024.
Some grim news from the streaming industry has people prophesizing a renewed interest in DVDs — something the hardcopy enthusiasts among us have never lost the fervor for.
Quote of the Week “A bee stabbed me in my sleep last night.” — Meatball describing getting stung by a bee
Rest In Peace Young Slo-Be
One block west of the Hudson River is in Jersey City
Man that peak Brian Brown footage is gold and hopefully someone besides Mark Suciu is taking notes from it…