Antonio via Paul Coots. The footage of this one was in the 2018 “End of Summer” edit, but felt worth reminding everyone how insane it was. This photo does it great justice ♥ Just observe the height ;)
Jawn Gardner uses his gifts to do what nobody else can in an incredible new Earth Day part. The line at CBS is maybe the most third-eye-open choreography that place has ever seen.
What an amazing idea for a feature… “‘Perfect Days’ will interview familiar faces in the Boston and Northeast scene, and pose them with the simple question: what was one of your favorite sessions ever?” The Orchard Skate Shop blog is following the footsteps of the Slam City Skates blog in creating good, old-fashioned web content outside the Insta-sphere. Kevin Coakley is the inaugural edition. (Fwiw, all-time favorite skate day around here is probably Yume Farm with *literally everybody* in fall 2018 ♥)
Still devastated after finding out that his Yeah Right! part was fake back in September. Never thought Takeshi 6ix9ine would be the one to ruin all of our childhoods…
Photo via the tumbleweeds. Tumblr in 2019 is like that one ledge spot that was popping five years ago. Everyone used to meet there, get clips there, get stuck there. Now it’s chunked up, the bevel got as round as Blubba, and it sorta just sits there. Maybe a group of guys in their 30s will skate it for 20 minutes before they go to the bar. Maybe a pair of kids in #curated thrift store finds visiting from out of town will film each other do two-trick lines for their trip edit on it. The solitary man who shows up after work once every two weeks to ensure that he hasn’t lost his back tails is always a fixture. But sometimes, all three of those end up there together, and it’s fun — not fun like the old days, but enough to remind you that they existed ;)
NBC visited Tompkins to speak with Zhu and Yaje about how much that square of asphalt means to the community. Please sign the petition to preserve Tompkins Square courts as an asphalt space, if you have yet to do so.
Medium has an awesome feature with Justin Bohl, a guy who has been the go-to tour guide for skate teams visiting Detroit over the past eight years. He put together a twenty-minute video entitled Mint, which features a bunch of behind the scenes footage of all the traveling skaters who have come through the city as it became sought-after skate trip destination in the 2010s.
“Ultra” from Chris Burt is up there with the Bos brothers’ “Wide Open” for 2019’s best videos outside of the Thrasher/Insta content spiral. It’s a Minnesota video with three parts, mostly filmed in the suburbs, yet somehow feels all the right ways different than a lot of the other stuff you’ve watched this past week. Ender part from Frog’s Pat Gallaher.
It’s grey out there, so here’s the clip of Muska hugging a tree to put a smile on your face (it’s tied with this video of like a 500 people rapping every single word to Glizzy’s verse on “Crew” for 2017’s best byte of life-affirming video.) It was a pleasure to watch this new season of Epicly Later’d — Andy Roy defending Jesse Paez was funnier than any bit of scripted comedy that someone could come up with, and if your heart didn’t melt at Reynolds’ relationship with his daughter and Kader, then your insides probably look like the Juicy J “Stay Fly” shirt.
“Can human achievement in general surpass Chewy Cannon’s bank-to-ledge nosegrind or can we only hope to match it?” With the completion of the endlessly postponed, all-London Palace video, Boil the Ocean dwells on the post-2010 tide shifts that have occurred in the British skateboard industry.
This Detroit edit is rad. It chronicles the recent history of all its spots via an overview of changing Google Street Views. Also, it made Detroit look funner to skate (at least for our purposes) than a lot of recent higher profile coverage to come out of there.
“Electricity acts like a skateboarder traveling down a ramp. The higher the ramp, the more potential energy they have and the further they can travel.” See: Skateboarding as a vessel to teach how electricity works.
I’m good on hearing a 2017 Wu-Tang album, but there’s something endearing about them recently trending as song concept shortcuts for artists who are half their age.
Congratulations to Ishod Wair on being the first Thrasher Skater of the Year from New Jersey. (Side Note: Is Fred Gall just going to eventually get a “Lifetime Achievement Award” to make up for past wrongs a la Kubrick, Hitchcock, etc. never winning a Best Director Oscar?) There are always politics behind S.O.T.Y. (“You think you’re so clever for figuring that one out?”), but Ishod is a prime choice to strike a balance between what the kids like, and what the old nerds have left to still be hyped on in pro skateboarding. In other words, his appeal spans multiple generations. Going to go ahead and say his Sabotage 3 remix part is still his best part, and probably the best part of 2013, mostly because he looks best when he’s doing lines. We’re also partial to rap parts.
If you missed the web premiere of SB Chronicles 2, there is a 7 P.M. screening at Village East Cinema tomorrow (12th Street and 2nd Avenue.) Doors open at 6:45. The theater is small, so it is on a first come, first served basis. Flyer here. P.S. They’re going to play the QS “Best of 2013” clip before the video ;)
The new eight-minute Politic Skateboards promo, People’s Temple, is now online. Dave Caddo is the king of doing lines across an entire skate spot. A three-trick line at Con Ed Banks is nuts, given the ground there.
“The only way a group of guys are getting past a door is if they all have skateboards. (Note: L*ngb**rds or plastic boards are not applicable here.)” #NPBS
Our friend Mike Gigliotti put together a Vimeo bro cam clip of dudes having fun ‘n stuff. It includes a Miles Marquez part edited to Taylor Swift.
This Casey Foley guy no complys over and down the three block on 135th Street.
The new Lurk NYC video, Loony Bin, premieres at 289 Kent on Thursday, December 12th. Doors at 8 P.M. Video at 9 P.M. New parts from Cyrus Bennett, Jason Byoun, and others. Flyer here. Preview here.
A Brooklyn spot that nobody really skated is a wrap.