“As far as Jimmy Quartersnacks was concerned with Tommy being made Meatball making it back to Japan, it was like we were all being made making it back to Japan.” Happy Birthday Meatball (and Rihanna) QS for Classic Grip available at Japanese shops now
Fly’n across America Ryan Mettz dropped a quick new homie edit with Cyrus, Max, Karim & Franco.
Acai, film rolls and sushi: Skate Jawn‘s latest “$100 Chill” feature is with Naquan Rollings and perfectly encapsulates a low-stakes winter skate day in New York.
Also for Skate Jawn: Zach Moeller got on his Bourdain shit and wrote a guide on how to hit Europe for two with absolutely zero plan.
“Hey Troy, so how much shit do you usually get for having such pretty eyes?” Heckride interviewed Troy Gipson.