Everybody Loves the Sunshine

Photo via Stu

Here is a rad ten-minute documentary about the scene in Nairobi, Kenya. Shout out to skateboarding. No shout out to anything we have ever complained about on here.

The Vacation apparently condensed into Politic. They have a sick new montage up with new footy from Ross Norman and curtains from Dave Caddo #officefaves.

Skateboard graphics have always been low-key political, and this came out good: An oral history of presidential skate graphics. “Straight talker?” Whatever you say, Henry.

Two years after the historic “Vogue Skateboard Week,” Anna Wintour comes through with what actually amounts to pretty decent mainstream magazine coverage of skateboarding re: the progressively shifting tide against its gender bias.

“Luke Malaney or Keith Denley?” “Both in 2007.” Jersey Dave interviewed New Jersey sweetheart, Josh Wilson, for Skate Jawn.

Jersey Dave’s part from Stop Fakin’ 3 + cameos from Freddy, Quim etc. is online.

“I guess it’s kind of like, for example, a guy builds his dream house and then he goes off and has a cabin in the woods elsewhere. You know, a lake house. When you can have that, obviously that’s a privilege. You don’t always want to be at the one place, and it’s overrun with children and remote control cars and rules.” Village Psychic with a piece on the rules of contributing to and skating D.I.Y. spots.

Always a safe bet for some interesting noseslide variations — Mark Wetzel’s part from Traffic’s Look Left is now online, and includes guest tricks from Ricky and Rich Adler.

John Valenti uploaded a B-sides clip of Charlie Cassidy’s N.Y. Archive part, and Theories uploaded volume 11 of Elkin raw files. Rest in peace Saint Vincent’s Bank.

Whoa, wtf happened at House of Vans

We’d mark this as non-skate-related reading, but everyone knows it is just as skate as anything else on the list ;) NY Mag has the complete history on the rise of halal carts in New York. “Halal carts cross barriers. Cheap food triumphs over bad politics.”

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Jay Arrrrrrrr Smith!

Quote of the Week: “Y’all lives suck.” — Josh Velez to a group of schoolchildren

Thank you to post-7 P.M. sunsets & anybody who’s ever made a song about the sun ♥

When Quarters Cry

Just as promised

Kurt Havens, the Academy Award winning filmmaker behind 2012’s Twomanji video, is back with another full-length VHS / Hi-8 / old camera (?) project entitled Ballhog. It’s pretty much a vintage-tinged Bronze B-cam video from the past couple years, and features iconic parts from Mark Humienik, Billy McFeely, and Josh Wilson.

Gang Corp, Frog, Humble, The Skate Kitchen, and Hardbody all have spreads in the new issue of Japan’s Eyescream mag. Probably won’t do you much good if you can’t read Japanese (the Google Translate camera feature is sick though), but still rad to see nonetheless. Shout out to everybody.

Oh, and Genny posted the raw photos from the Humble pages.

Jesse Alba made a loving tribute to our #MCM, Nolan Benfield, and then Frog Skateboards went and posted some quick extras from their trip to China last year.

Show me, don’t tell me.

Damn, imagine wanting to skate the Veteran’s Memorial 12 that bad? ;) jk. Marco Kada covered a lot of ground across the city and outlying areas (who even remembers the last trick on the Jersey City Hamilton Park five block spot…Zered’s Vicious Cycle part?) for his rad “New York Nice Guy” part.

Habitat has a clip of Fred Gall’s final session at Shorty’s.

Listen to your mom, but also listen to Zalfa — who once ruptured his crank skating the Big O in Montreal, peed blood, went to the E.R., came out a few hours later, and shot a photo of Max Palmer while wearing a bloody hospital gown. He has an interview over on Skate Jawn. Don’t ever ask me who my favorite photographer is again.

“You know he’d get his mental health check and go straight to Ralph and drop two grand on a fucking moleskin pair of trousers or something.” Some Monday motivation for anyone currently living on a couch in an apartment they don’t pay rent for: Free interviewed Lev Tanju about all the cool shit Palace has been doing in London these past couple years.

There’s a Bobshirt documentary. Can’t tell if there’s new footage tho.

Some more Elkin extras from Leo Gutman’s 2013 Q.S.S.O.T.Y. run.

Old parts, new uploads: Connor Kammerer in Spirit Quest + Dustin Eggeling in Static 4. This is a really pointless observation, but it’s kind of wild that the last Static video is already almost four years old.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: And then Russ thought…”fuck that overtime shit.”

Quote of the Week: “My celebrity crush is Ali from Travis Porter.” — Pad Dowd

Can’t say the QS Rap Desk has actively been checking for new Wayne songs these past ~five years, so a bit “late” on this one (came out on Christmas), but wowwwowow.

There’s a fire remix video dropping on here tomorrow Wednesday ♥

Flu-shion Week

Photo by Colin Sussingham

Happy birthday Zach Baker ♥, breaker of 4 boards in 40 minutes.

R.I.P. (?) Le Dome. Based on documentation available on this side of the Atlantic, it’s tough to tell whether the plaza is getting demolished in full, or they’re just resurfacing it with Skatelite. (Yeah, it’s not local news, but recent local skate spot news stops around, um, that wallride / drug-use area outside of Newark Penn Station being skate-blocked / crack-blocked.) In presumed memoriam, here is an old #PFW QS compilation of all Flo Marfaing’s Le Dome hubba tricks, an old post about the greatest line ever done there, an old post about the only 5050 kickflip that ever mattered, and a clip of The Shady One going all-in #respect on a 5050 after a plane claim.

“Kevin Tierney wouldn’t shut up about how he was going to switch laser flip the Le Dome double set even though it had already been done 15 years ago.” Solo has an appropriate article about the Bronze crew’s most recent trip to Paris.

Matt Velez uploaded Calzone is full, and John Valenti uploaded N.Y. Archive in full.

What the fuck: “You have to take a blood and piss test to skate [the indoor park] so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that most locals skip that option.” Medium skate mag has a short feature about how people manage to skate in Russia during the winter.

“This is the best time to skate Rick Owens.” There’s a fun new Bluecouch edit up.

The summer 2012 edition of Elkin’s raw files is now live, featuring a bunch of footage that would end up in Leo’s 2013 Q.S.S.O.T.Y-earning Brodies part.

Village Physic interviewed Reda about the rules of being a skate photographer in the social media age. (Unsolicited link to Reda’s Bobshirt interview because it’s the best.)

There have been a few of these over the past couple years, but Vice has a feature about skateboards’ three-decade avoidance of inflation. I have a feeling that if we keep writing these things it’s gonna be some “be careful what you wish for”-shit and we’re going to walk into a shop and boom, $85 for a deck with grip. Thanks everyone!!!

There’s a Brujas x Gang Corp event at the Spin Club on 23rd Street tonight, 8-midnight + there’s a Deckaid show at NJ Skateshop in Hoboken on Saturday, from 7-10 P.M.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Everything fun in the NBA last week mostly happened off the court, so let’s get weird and give play of the week to the most complicated way of preventing a ball from going out of bounds ever.

Quote of the Week
C.J: “How long is fashion week?”
Fashionable Gentleman: “A week.”

Used To Be With Torey At Santos

Official Grammy Afterparty

Sean Dahlberg has a sick new 11-minute clip featuring tons of 917 video outtakes, Max Palmer doing a hardflip, and John Choi footage. (Related.)

R.B. Umali and Ron Deily with the best “guy skating around Lower Manhattan on a weekend” clip in while. Haven’t seen anyone skate that Robert Puleo bank in forever :)

TWS uploaded Charlie Cassidy’s ender part from John Valenti’s new video, NY Archive. The frontside kickflip over the big rail in the Westside Highway Park is pretty wild, and is that the first multi-level Reggaeton Ledges line?

“We now enter a realm where seemingly everything been done, in which all eras exist simultaneously, where nothing and everything is cool and wack all at once everywhere.” Boil the Ocean re: what it takes to impress us in 2018, and Ty Evans.

Volume 8 of Elkin Raw Files. One of the best ones yet.

Josh Stewart talks to the Nine Club this week + Brian Panebianco and Ryan Higgins talk to Philly’s “City Wide” show.

Chris Mulhern mashed up some of his favorite clips from the past few years into a “Second Sighting” montage, which includes a bunch of T.J. footage at the beginning.

A couple new clips of Stevie Williams skating in Barcelona via…this Weed Maps clip.

B.J. Wishard uploaded all the parts from his NJ-based video, Way Cool, to YouTube.

Not New York, not east coast, not even North American! But this Remy Tav “Welcome to WIP” part is really sick. Fully yelled at the screen when he clipped on the final ollie.

A true testament to the abysmal state of skateboard Twitter is the fact that after ~eight years of being on there, the Quartersnacks account’s most popular post is of a scooter kid focusing a skateboard. Maybe they really are taking over!

“Stripper punched out my teeth after I called her a bad mom.” Good. “One of the restaurants I was interviewing for was called, ‘Smile.’”

Sremmlife 3 is going to be a triple album but they haven’t given us a release date. “The only human on earth I’d trade places with is Swae Lee.” — Pryce Holmes.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: The guy who reposted this on Twitter probably summed it up best…”You’d have trouble defending this with a shotgun.”

Quote of the Week
Ashamed Gentleman: “I actually don’t know how to powerslide.”
Max Palmer: “I wish you didn’t tell me that.”

Culture ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fredo In The Cut That’s A Scary Sight

The fingerboardable history of Columbus Park, coming soon…(Via @bobbybils on IG)

Whoa have you ever seen Mark Suciu’s Photosynthesis part?

Now that that’s out of the way, this is maybe the first Monday Links post ever where there are more links to articles (i.e. written words) than videos…

“After drilling his truck bolts back for a bigger nose and noselsliding ledges in the ’80s, Mark had one of the first noseslide photos on a rail (one where he’s actually sitting on it rather than just dinging it) as a sequence in his June 1990 Poweredge.” As per an indirect solicitation, Mackenzie Eisenhour enlisted Guy Mariano to chronicle how the modern noseslide was invented. As suspected, Mark Gonzales is responsible.

“As he flies through the air, he is caught between life and death, suspended in the void of nonexistence — the ultimate Kleinean motif.” Jamie Thomas’ “leap of faith” as a work of avant garde art juxtaposed against the art of Yves Klein. Yeah, fuck it, why not.

Vice has an interview with Jonathan Rentschler about documenting the final years of Love Park for his book, Love. QS review for it here. And you can should buy it here ;)

This is oddly…not bad? Deadspin (of all places) has a #longform article about the full history of Rodney Mullen V.S. Daewon Song — though idk about it “changing skateboarding forever.”

If you’re wondering how many nights the five-minute line in Miles Silvas’ new Adidas commercial took, Monster Children has an interview with him about it. (Spoiler: 4.)

Boil the Ocean offers some thoughts on J. Scott Handsdown and Dan Pageau taking crowdsourcing via the skateboarding community to newfound heights. To be fair, they ain’t special — Meatball pioneered this concept when he tried to GoFundMe a ticket to Australia so he could tag along on a Hardies trip.

Dill gets nostalgic for eighty minutes in probably Bobshirt’s longest interview to date.

This is the funniest spot in New York right now.

Volume 7 of Elkin raw files via Theories. Ollieing an open newspaper box door in the middle of a line is some real shit huh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A thirteen-minute remix video of Wes Kremer and some DC friends from Mick Robbins.

Quick clip from Cooper at Owl’s Head Park.

The new Byrdgang video is premiering at China Chalet this Thursday. 8-11. Video plays at 9:30. 47 Broadway obvs. Flyer here.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week:Hello, police? Chris Paul is trying to beat me up.”

Quote of the Week: