Sorry For The Delayed Response — The Three Up Three Down Section From ‘Ether’

In the winter, we do not go to Three Up Three Down. It is a frigid endeavor; the wind blowing off the Hudson pretty much makes you want to die. Suggesting that you go there on a tolerable day in January is doublespeak for “We’ll be drinking at The Ear by 4.”

In the spring, though — we goooooo to Three Up Three Down. The inaugural above-60 session is a QS office tradition. The spot holds a special place in our hearts because it facilitates for all: the average guy looking to brush up on a few stock flip tricks, your friend who put on a few pounds over the winter and might need some words of encouragement after he clips ollieing up a two-and-a-half stair, or, um, the Primitive team.

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Stuck On Earth

TWS interviewed a handful of pros and industry people about the effects of corona virus on the skate industry, as did Parade — except with a focus on small, independent skate brands (like QS!) The common theme between all of them is the resilience of skaters. Yes, shit is crazy right now, but skateboarding isn’t going anywhere once this is all over. The fact that Seattle is experiencing a slowdown in new cases (it was the first part of the country to get hit) is a tiny pinch of an indicator that social restrictions are working. Be safe, be patient, be supportive ♥ And while we know people go on QS to forget the noise of the outside world, if you want to read something COVID-19 related that’s responsibly reported and level-headed, this is the one.

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These Days & Times

The predictions were true. The quarantine has everyone inside making #content — this was one of the most extensive link lists for a Monday update in a while. How sustainable it is? Who knows. Boil the Ocean is already speculating on what will happen if we enter a COVID-19 induced footage drought, e.g. will Thrasher be forced to only post “Classics” videos like how ESPN plays old games during off-seasons.

Until then…

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