This final stretch of the year has typically meant there was some sort of QS winter getaway in the cards after New Year’s, but you know… pandemic, etc. Instead, let’s travel ~*VIRTUALLY*~ with these recent features… 1) Skate spots in the Swiss alps with Irregular, 2) The Cuban skate scene with Skateism, 3)Marble relics of the Soviet Union with Free.
“She’s like, ‘Are you that exciting that somebody is going to follow you all day?’ And I’m like, ‘Hell yeah.'” There’s a bit of #fomo with each slice of content that involves friends abroad these days. Pocket‘s “Followed” segment kicked it with Hjalte Halberg for a day. Yes there are noseslides, yes we miss his beautiful Danish voice. “Ah, ok, fuck.”
“Who knows what love is” is a fifteen-minute homie video by Lorenzo Frijas. 2/3 Bay Area footage, 1/3 New York, all good vibes the whole way through ♥
Diego Donival’s new video, Potluck is premiering at Village East Cinemas this Wednesday, December 11. Showings at 7:45 & 8:45. Features parts from Kyota Umeki, Sully Corimer, Quinn Batley, Isaac White, Caleb Yuan, Marcello Campanello and Yaje Popson. Teaser here + flyer here.
Jake Kuzyk’s new one is called “Kick Back,” and is effectively a sequel to Courtesy, except this time for Spitfire instead of Vans. Features most of the Alltimers team, Chris Milic, Diego Todd, Nick Michel, and Jed Anderson. Dustin’s three-trick line at the brick bank in downtown Vancouver is fire.
Quartersnacks for Spitfire Wheels arrives in stores today. We will not be carrying this in our webstore, but have a lot of fab regs QS stuff in there if you’re trying to support. Any shop with a Deluxe account near you should be a safe bet though ♥ (And for anyone asking, yes there are both hard wheels and cruiser: hard wheel is Formula Four 53mm 99du, and soft wheel is 54mm 80du.)
“We did crime to fund it basically.” File this one under: Had no idea how much I would love this interview when I first started skimming it. You’re probably familiar with @muckmouth the Instagram page, you might be familiar with Muckmouth the website, but you probably aren’t familiar with Muckmouth the Auckland-based skate magazine. Free has an incredible interview with Muckmouth founder, Alex Dyer, about his journey through three generations of skateboard media that is full of stories to make you laugh and sit at the edge of your seat. “Where the fuck is Callum?”
Skating to one of the ten best songs ever recorded by humans is bold, but whatever, the world is gonna end soon anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Justin Grzechowiak’s part in the Buffalo, New York-based Remedy video is a good time.
“I don’t remember doing this…was it in the Transworld Duets video?” Antonio Durao varial heel the Banks rail in the December 2018 edition of TWS “Sightings.” Photo by Blair Alley.
Village Psychic came through with a lovely Jawn Gardner remix, just as we revert back to mid 40-degree temperatures for this upcoming week :) Thanks for keeping us hyped in 2k18, John ♥
We were so naive to think that we could close the lid on 2018 while retaining the innocence of never hearing “Sicko Mode” in a “Summer Trip to New York” montage *facepalm* Jk, jk. The Chef boys from Milan came through in the eleventh hour and released a montage from their summer here.
Akira Mowatt, Charles Lamb, Robert Lim and some of the locals have a iPhone edit from their time in Shanghai. We were there for like a week and skated maybe half of these places? Place is as wild as everyone makes it out to be for spots.
Another one for the ever-increasing scroll of fun Upstate New York videos this year: “Tailgate” via Buffalo Dave.
Quote of the Week: “At first I thought that guy in the grey beanie was Alex Olson, but then I realized he looked more like Post Malone.” — Dana Ericson