Photo by Jonathan Mehring
Inspiration arrives in different forms. It could be as superficial as an outfit of a pro that you admire, or as profound as a video that changed the way you look at everything. Other times, it’s subtle — that Eureka moment when the slightest nuance of how someone does a trick makes you figure it out for yourself. A dear friend with a perfect nollie flip said specifically this nollie flip gave way to the realization: “Oh, you jump UP.”
But inspiration is not always about the finish line. It was refreshing to hear that Breana chose one of her favorites partially because he excels at a trick that she has yet to figure out. By the same token, I’ve always been jealous of how much fun people who can impossible on command look like they’re having, and expended far too much brain power on trying to figure it out. I’ll probably learn French before I learn impossibles — but personally speaking, nobody has ever made them make more sense than Breana here, in this .gif from her Wisteria part, which I’ve stared at for way too long, way too many times. In those moments of hypnosis, the puzzle is solved, at least enough to keep trying again and again and again.
Anyway! The latest is with Credits‘ closer.
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