9 iPhones, 2 HPXs, 1 VX, 0 Clips

The bros. New QS goods available in U.S. shops now. International sooner than soon. Our webstore relaunches this Friday, November 3 @ noon E.S.T. 📷 by Jason Lecras.

Jersey legend Ron Deily has a new part out for NJ Skateshop and Square Up Skateboards, full of NJ crust + an emphatic stomp on a switch front blunt in The Bronx.

“In general not being so hard on yourself is a big one. It can get dark, you gotta love yourself, all the cliche shit is kinda true.” Music talk, the origin of Late Nite Stars + more in Skate Jawn‘s interview with Alan Bell, available in both video and written form :) Run back Mr. Bell’s “ab” part after you’re done with the interview.

“It’s weird when you can’t really practice those kind of tricks, you just have to go and try them at that spot.” The Slam City Skates blog interviewed Tom Knox about his Thrasher cover, Krooked board, Paris part + more.

“Whereas most of the to-date adventures in Ween music supervision have drawn from the band’s various experiments with mainstream pop or the bent psychedelia of its early period, does Ween’s move into the skate-video soundtrack mainstream require future editors and executive producers to reach outside this comfort zone?” Boil the Ocean explores how Ween conquered skate video #musicsupervision.

Rowan Zorilla is the latest guest on The Bunt.

“It’s kinda like the nostalgia thing.” If you came of age on early-2000s skate videos, you’re going to love Transworld‘s “Brain Floss” piece with J. Strickland.

Shout out to Super Skate Posse, who hosted a community giveback with NJ Skateshop at the Jersey City rink spot.

Anyone who uses a bike to get around Brooklyn knows McGuiness Boulevard is an absolute nightmare (that didn’t stop Cooper from skating the manual pad in the median in that last part though…), and the city is somehow making it worse for both bikes and cars. Iconic work by the human species 👏 👏

iPhone Loosies Corner 🚬 6 minutes of Brian O’Dwyer + a 12-minute XL edition of John Shanahan social clips.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week 🏀 Luka three-point hook shot for the win v.s. the Nets. Just had to remind someone out loud that the Brooklyn Nets have been around for eleven years. Sounds so nuts to say out loud.

Quote of the Week 🗣 — “Smoke shops are the new pandemic.” — Goth Pierce

S/O to Junk Spot.

1 Comment

  1. Do you remember a old qs edit to Armand Van Helden that you guys put out to “U don’t know me” ? I am sure it was a like a Euro edit Copenhagen or Paris maybe?

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