Was under the impression that Beta Blockers would be A Small Palace Video — maybe because it’s August and the skate media mental calendar often saves the year’s blockbuster releases for the holidays — but no, Beta Blockers is A Big Palace Video spanning the whole team, and at a Palasonic-equivalent runtime. In August! What a world.
It includes a James Bondsian turn by Jahmir Brown (that ender!), Ville Wester stamping his name on those receded Stockwell steps for his Palace debut, Pedro Attenborough transcending into quintuple replay mode, Lucas Puig! (in a sombrero!), Jamal Smith!, Heitor adding to the short scroll of people who have skated to 2Pac, Powers’ first pro part, Brady!, (Jensen!), Chewy Cannon!, and many more things to smile at. It’s early Tuesday afternoon, but you’re allowed to crack a beer any time you see Stuart Hammond do a kickflip.
It’s insane to think of Jamal Smith and Lucas Puig as already being a generation of Palace riders in, but Beta Blockers does a masterful job of juggling the day ones, with the first-wave international expansion riders, along with all the newer faces. (The Pedro and Puig part may as well be IRL 2023 TDGAFAU fan fiction )
If, on the morning Endless Bummer dropped, you had asked us to visualize what a Palace video would feel like a decade down the line, it’d probably track pretty close to this
Shout out heart medicine! Beta blockers out there prolonging life spans. 10/10 cardiologists reccomend Palace’s new video.