Naquan Rollings released a new edit on YouTube. Mostly L.A. stuff, with a bit of New York. Features all the staple characters from Naquan edits, and an impeccable transition from Sada Baby to MF Doom, whose MM..Food album has been #trending a bit as of late…
Jason Byoun made a recap edit of the Hardbody trip to L.A. Lots of food pics. Hard to watch and not get hungry
Torn to shit by weather and use, bondo’d back to functionality, and still standing — the Trenton Banks have to be one of the longest-standing O.G. New Jersey spots at this point. Phat House dropped a “10 Years of Trenton Banks” covering a greatest hits of their crew’s footage at the spot, and including a young Ishod Wair doing something obviously insane.
Simple Magic released an updated version of its Skaters With Glasses Power Ranking, which can’t resist the easy puns like “he may need glasses, but [Diego] Todd’s vision is 20/20 when it comes to finding and figuring out interesting, unassuming, and downright dangerous skate spots.”
An Upper East Side U-rail ender and a pressure flip to top off every clip, as a treat: “The Hopper Tape” by Gabe Shah.
“When all these old heads stepped outta skateboarding and thought skateboarding was dead in the water, who was there? All of us. The Henry Sanchezs, Mike Carrolls, everybody was right there. There was no money.” Anthony Pappalardo the Writer interviewed Clyde Singleton for Artless Industria.
“We are all looking for ways to be free. It doesn’t matter if it is Vans over Jordans or Vans before and Jordans after or simply wearing both — it all speaks to making choices and usurping expectations, just as Tyre did.” Neftalie Williams wrote about the other Tyre Nichols video for The San Francisco Chronicle.
Village Psychic interviewed Quasi’s newest teamrider, Hannah Tallman. (Be sure to revisit Hannah’s “CALM” part on your video perusals today.)
Thrasher posted up all the photos from their Vans Video by Flech article. And yes, Stu’s gap fifty should’ve been on last week’s Top 10. Blew it at some point
iPhone Loosies Corner — Three minutes of Johnny Cumaoglu (that nollie flip!), two minutes of Wes Kremer, and two minutes of Ishod.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week — Embiid’s block.
Quote of the Week “Oh shit, you used to be good at skating?” — Rezza Honarvar to Pryce
How can you have a glasses ranking without Chris Milic??