Summer QS goods arriving at U.S. shops now. Internationally in the coming weeks. Our webstore will relaunch this Friday, June 24th at noon E.S.T. with summer QS items for sale Photo via Seasons.
Flex Tape is an 18-minute New York video by Blaine Williams, pretty much all filmed in New York. Aidan Spencer’s closer part rules. Skating that perma-windy Queensboro Bridge ledge at the start of a snowstorm takes wild dedication. Ending your day there typically results in hating life.
Skate Jawn‘s “Ramps Out Back” video series tells the story of the bowl in Holyoke, Massachusetts and the role it plays in that scene’s perseverance through harsh winters + gets into some sociological stuff that these old mill towns face when new industries reshape them. Our friends at Theory in Holyoke carry QS gear, btw ;)
If I told you yesterday that’d you’d be watching Gabe Tennen do a kickflip backside lip today, you probably would’ve been like, “Get out of fucking town bro.” But no, Christian Kerr’s new bro cam edit definitely has a Gabe Tennen kickflip back lip in it. Includes many appearances from friends in the Skate Media™.
Village Psychic posted a recap of their diamond-plate jam at Blue Park, with some words about the revitalization of the spot after Toegate.
The “Exodus” video out of Rhode Island is so sick. Eight minutes with a lesser-seen corner of the northeast that’s full of different spots and skaters. The tre flip lip on the jersey barrier will make you want to party.
Speaking of wanting to party, the new “ZODISH” video from the Raskal dudes out of Marseilles is an eight-minute edit put together with the spirit of a mixtape. You get such a feel for the day-in-the-life world of skating in that city without it ever needing anyone to talk to the camera. Also, the pants in it are utterly insane — in a good way.
“Part of it was a slower media cycle, and the physical limitations of the day’s rickety imaging technology, but for some holding down pro boards on the era’s top companies, it seemed also something of a ‘flex’ — sitting in the back of the pro skater classroom, blowing rolling blunts and chopping it up about cars and girls, while the try-hards busted their asses to catch up.” Boil the Ocean draws a line from Menace to Primitive’s latest video.
The Muska runs through the backstories of some of his cover shots for the Lookback Library.
Quote of the Week “The only thing more annoying than bad filming is complaining about bad filming.” — Justin White