Cody Plus Six

Summer QS goods arriving at U.S. shops now. Internationally in the coming weeks. Our webstore will relaunch this Friday, June 24th at noon E.S.T. with summer QS items for sale ❤️ Photo via Seasons.

Flex Tape is an 18-minute New York video by Blaine Williams, pretty much all filmed in New York. Aidan Spencer’s closer part rules. Skating that perma-windy Queensboro Bridge ledge at the start of a snowstorm takes wild dedication. Ending your day there typically results in hating life.

Skate Jawn‘s “Ramps Out Back” video series tells the story of the bowl in Holyoke, Massachusetts and the role it plays in that scene’s perseverance through harsh winters + gets into some sociological stuff that these old mill towns face when new industries reshape them. Our friends at Theory in Holyoke carry QS gear, btw ;)

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Much Deeper

Rest in Peace Virgil ❤️

Skate Jawn has a feature on Jody’s Spot, the D.I.Y. spot built by Fred Gall in his New Jersey hometown, which the world first saw in his “Out There.” Please sign the petition to keep the spot from being destroyed by the city for no good reason.

Put Will Marshall’s line at the Museum — as seen in his new Dime part — in the Museum Line Hall of Fame. Kickflip front crook is insane too.

Best city for skate edits in 2021? Marseilles, no doubt. Here’s #anotherone from the Raskal dudes: “Hellos Dias.”

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Clogging the Feed

Big news: the Dunk is out. We can stop clogging your social feeds now.

Have you heard the other big news? Everybody’s favorite skateboarder — yes, Keith Denley — is pro! At risk of not coming off absolutely insane promoting two collabs in the same week (we never planned for things to pan out that way, but c’est la vie), we took pause on pushing the new Hopps x Quartersnacks stuff, but it’s arriving at all Hopps accounts now. We’ll have it on our webstore soon. Whether Keith ends up filming *that part* remains to be seen, but in the eternal words of Mr. Hjalte Halberg: “You Americans are too serious about the pro board shit, in Europe you just turn the homie pro. Fuck it! It’s not about being ‘pro’ at skating. If you are a sick character, you should be pro!”

WEALTH is a new 17-minute video by Steve Lancello filmed all throughout the northeast, with a fire Neil Herrick part at the end. Is that the first footy of someone connecting a trick over the concrete divider on that that side street off Flatbush? Feels like an Aaron Herrington spot too, but maybe misremembering.

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Like Glowstick, We Crack Then Shine

Antonio tomfoolery in the QS Dunk that is coming out pretty soon :) Photo by Jason Lecras

From a skate house above a chicken shop by Southbank to a GQ feature: Fashion-writer-who-actually-skates-and-can-write, Noah Johnson, profiled the minds behind Palace for a feature in Famous Men’s Magazine™.

Heckride interviewed Johnny and Mitchell’s brother, Andrew. Very excited for Coots’ video ♥

There is no shortage of crust evangelists working in New York skateboarding today, but every once in a while, there’s a part so endlessly dedicated to spots with eight things wrong with them that you need to stop and give #respect. Charlie Cassidy’s 4 x 4 part is one of those, and Vague mag has the part + an interview with him about it. The cast of In Crust We Trust would be proud :)

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