With each passing year, it gets tougher to not acknowledge that Gucci Mane has three Christmas songs on the low, especially after straining cheesy Christmas music for the past nine clips. (Yeah, this is somehow the ninth one.) But even if the #musicsupervision department is backlogged due to not having utilized “Used 2” and “Paranoid” yet, maybe one clip a year that isn’t partial to drum machines is okay…
This somehow ended up being the most daylight-heavy Christmas clip of the nine, due to November and December being unseasonably brick. To make up for it, there was one miracle day when we didn’t get kicked out of World Trade, as evidenced by maybe a fifth of this clip being filmed there. Win some, lose some. Merry Christmas.
Features Brendan Carroll, Keith Denley, Lurker Lou, Tyler Tufty, Zered Bassett, Dave Caddo, Sweet Waste, Elijah Cole, Tony Durao, Calen Knauf, Josh Velez, Andre Page, Alexander Mosley and Connor Champion.
Thanks to Joe Cups, Andre Page and Rob Harris for contributing footage.
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Past Christmas clips: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
Other Christmas Gifts: It’s mostly at skateparks, but there’s 50 seconds of new Gino footage out and an awesome mini doc about the governor of New Jersey, Fred Gall.