Wavey via Troy
Hardbody Puerto Rico shirts for Puerto Rican Day on the Hardbody site.
This video rules: “Me And My Dogs” by Will Poon, spotted via Skate Jawn. It’s great how a childhood skate crew video set in New York circa 2021 (e.g. the type of video that will forever exist through all generations of skateboarding) has the potential to get you more hyped to skate than a summer blockbuster :)
“You know what I like? When people go pro. You know what I like more? When people go pro as fuck.” The forever-brilliant Bronze 56k radio mixes are back with a Dick Rizzo guest mix. Shout out to Group Home “Tear Shit Down.” Also forgot how good that Wayne song is.
Carl Aikens and Hosea Peeters’ shared a Thrasher part last week that includes some final remnants of plazacation at Big Screen Plaza :)