The Return of Pryce “The Skater” Holmes In Classic Griptape’s Salmon of the Year Video

Like the ancient French Canadian proverb goes, “Impossible is only a skate trick.” Chuck and Classic Grip’s team of scientists did the impossible and actually managed to make the waning days of 2021 — when everyone else was spiraling from their March 2020 PTSD — look like a good time.

This one is a lil’ late New Year edit from Classic Griptape, featuring a grip to Stafhon Boca and Will Marshall appearances, plus …honestly cannot believe I’m about to type this… the return of Pryce Holmes footage to the QS front page. Starting to cry of joy now. Have a good one 🥲

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Blast Off

…aannddd we’re back.

The world isn’t off to the best start in 2020, so you’d be well advised to watch this uplifting video about two Afghan girls who moved to Berlin from a refugee camp, and completely fell in love with skateboarding there. Lovingly put together by our friends at Place.

When’s FedEx dropping their video?

“Back then it was all a blur.” Yo these Bobshirt interviews are all so special. The latest installment is with Rodney Torres and is loaded with nineties New York nostalgia and stories, e.g it pretty much mentions three decades worth of skate shops in the city, and harks back to a time when New York coverage was limited to a montage here and there every couple years in a bigger video. (Also #lol on this YouTube comment.)

The youth has good tre flips. “Practice” is a very rad homie video by Cesar Fuentes featuring a bunch of up and coming skaters from The Bronx.

YouWillSoon (!!!) chopped up a remix of all Andrew Reynolds’ 2019 Instagram footage.

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Sanguine Paradise

Please sign the petition to show your support for keeping the asphalt at the Tompkins Square Park courts. This space is as sacred to skateboarding and the East Village as the Rucker or the West 4th Street courts are to basketball. It would be a massive loss to the youth and cultural fabric of the neighborhood if they were covered with synthetic turf. We are a few hundred shy of 25,000 (!!!) signatures, so please please please share the petition with your friends, and on your respective social channels.

After many years of captivity, the Zipper Ledge is finally free and dressed with a fresh, yellow paintjob, as first reported by @mini_spots. (Don’t ask for pin! That’s like asking where the Empire State Building is!) If only the park starts opening the gate at Yellow Rail, then the entire Morningside little kid skate scene circa 2003 will be in full revival.

Jesse Alba is the latest guest on The Bunt, and really happy that he no longer lives at 51 Eldert Street.

…aanndd Max Palmer is half the man he used to be in Jesse’s new #longform iPhone edit.

One of the hardest things about interviewing skateboarders is not asking the same ten things that the last few interviews they did asked. It’s special and rare when you get someone for their first one. Caleb Barnett did his first ever interview with the Slam City Skates blog.

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Last Tango In Tompkins

Anyone got the story or any info on this photo? Just a random Tumblr find.

It was a SLOW Monday morning of skateboard link data collection (there has yet to be any coherent #longform reflection on “BLESSED” to peruse), but then T.J. nollie flipped — actually, maybe just watch the part…”KILLER” is a full Tyshawn part filmed exclusively at T.F. West.

Office favorite, Krazy Frankie, has a new part out for Frog today, with guest tricks from the rest of the team and one of the best half cab flips in the biz ;)

Someone went and put together a remix video of French steez lord, Stephane Larance. It’s reassuring that we’re not the only mega nerds spending precious hours on earth making remix videos of skaters mostly known from early-2000s European wheel company videos.

It has been a truly remarkable year for Upstate New York videos. “Nonsense” is a new one from Taryn Ward, with some of the same guys that you’ll recognize from April’s “Steel” video.

Old man yells at cloud the Instagram “Explore” page (jk, jk…kind of) — Village Psychic interviewed Marc Johnson about what constitutes as a circus trick today.

New Brad Cromer Instagram compilation, with a good bit of New York clips.

Here’s Tyler Stier’s part from the Buffalo, N.Y-based Jeb video, which looks like it’s filmed in every place on the eastern seaboard between Buffalo and Miami.

On the slim chance that you missed it, T-Funk became the second person to successfully make it down the T.J. / “cherry” rail at One Police Plaza, and we’re here for any and all participants in a Yorkian backside 180 nosegrind resurgence.

After shading him on Friday, I happened to stumble upon this clip of this elusive “Clay Kreiner” and it’s actually pretty beast.

NJ Skateshop is throwing a contest at the Jersey City rink spot this Sunday, December 2.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Young talent Jamal Crawford has a bright future ahead of him in the NBA.

Quote of the Week
E.J: “Damn, you know who’s back?”
Inquisitive Gentleman: “Who?”
E.J:Sierra Fellers.”

Happy birthday Pryce Holmes! ♥