Monday: The New Wednesday?

ICYMI: Troy made a T.J. IG mix from that brief slice of time when the Museum of Natural History being a go was the best-worst kept secret in the city ;)

Or is it Big Screen Plaza: The New Love Park?

Max Hull has a five-minute edit from the bumping Long Island City D.I.Y. spot.

A few weeks late on spotting this one, but 4Ply looks like it’s gunning to be something of a skate version of FiveThirtyEight. This late June piece chronicles the web of networks between filmers and skaters. “While this isn’t the homage article they deserve, it does provide a unique avenue of comparison among the filmmakers themselves, and illuminates some of the little communities and neighborhoods within popular skateboarding.”

Shari White’s Sk8 Rats part rules.

“The news has painted NYC as a death-ridden hell hole, but here’s what our experience in quarantine has been like so far.” Some photos, via Jenkem.

Love a tale about “skateable space” that isn’t a skatepark — in this case, “a couple of chumps with fuck all to do” smoothed down an existing BMX park from 1987 in Hackney, London.

Was wondering how long it’d take until there was a store that exclusively deals with vintage skate apparel. Looks like this one took a step in that direction. Anyone seen a G-bag out out on the secondhand market recently?

The new edit from Stockholm’s Junkyard Skateshop really lets that “you won’t be going to Europe for a while”-feeling sink in. Junkyard now has QS stuff if you’re in Sweden though ;)

Erik Ellington is the latest guest on The Bunt, and Kareem Campbell is starting a new podcast.

Jimmy Gorecki interviewed Keith Hufnagel about starting businesses ‘n shit.

Not the most popular corner of midtown (the quick Canal clip from there was rad though), but that zone with the handrail and wallride across from Penn Station has been fenced off for construction.

Quote of the Week: “Annoying people don’t die.” — Pryce Holmes

We still have some “Surf Party” tees on the Alltimers site. All proceeds go to charity ♥ Thanks to everyone who came through Uncle Leroy’s yesterday.


  1. Long time 1st time… that pic? Is that chief, do we stil say cheif, cos playin Tommy shelby? It’s fuggin sweet if it is.

  2. @Ulyanov – yes it is the Chief. and yes, I went ahead and asked. you can still call him that.

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