See You At The Cup

Public RSVP for the 2024 Quartersnacks Cup is now live. Entrance is still subject to venue capacity, but RSVP is required for entry. Be sure to fill out a bracket of your predictions and share it with us on social media 🏆

The temperatures outside are dropping, so threw some shorts on sale in the webstore for the crib or your Miami trip or whatever 🛍

📍 Added Satan’s Drano’s “HESKWON” video, filmed entirely at the Koreantown Banks / federal courthouse in downtown L.A. to the Quartersnacks One-Spot Part Map, and it’s probably the most unhinged entry to date: a onetime two-second bust spot that got overrun by skateboarders promoting a hot sauce company on the weekends with an ender where a skater slappies a curb and a dude flys off a ten-foot drop on a dirt bike over him into the street straight toward the cameraman? That’s Hollywood, baby!

A Tim Achille part opens up William Wishard’s Jersey scene video, Just For Kicks. Includes a shared Andy Bautista and German Nieves section at the end.

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Architectural Digest

Photo via @tossnyc_slon

“Everything hard to get or expensive isn’t necessarily any more fulfilling. If caviar was $1 a pound, I don’t think anybody would want it.” Jenkem interviewed Antonio Durao about the move to Hardbody, sponsorship history, and his beautiful perspective on this thing we call life ❤

Ted Barrow runs through the history of the Courthouse-Blubba-Columbus Park triangle that sits at the site of the once worst-slum in America — and now makes up probably 25% of New York skate coverage — for the latest episode of Thrasher‘s “This Old Ledge.”

Our friends at Place Mag and Daniel Paese tried to answer one of humanity’s most confounding questions via video essay. No, not are we alone in the universe, but the eternal: “why don’t you skate at the skatepark?”

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It’s All on U

Nik Stain grain by Pauly Coots 📸💞

“There also might be a slight difference in the value of technicality. I think a nollie crook means more to us out here than it may out west to you.” Heckride has a #longform interview with the man behind the lens of many of your favorite clips, Paul Young.

“Then I counted Tyshawn’s part and he only has 32 tricks in Blessed which was his S.O.T.Y. part. It made me realize that it’s not necessarily the quantity of tricks that makes a part good.” Korahn Gayle chats about some of his biggest influences for Slam City Skates’ “Visuals” series.

Can’t imagine many local residents are bummed about this, but something for the “Summer Trip to New York” video-makers to keep in mind: you’re not gonna have an easy time getting an Airbnb in New York.

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Procrastination Olympics

Boil the Ocean’s piece on Revolutions on Granite — the Ukrainian skate scene documentary that went live on Thrasher earlier this month — sums up the power of those 40 minutes in a way that every skateboard writer wishes they could.

Fake puke is expensive. Pryce gave a bunch of the backstories behind a lot of the best Alltimers boards for Solo Skate Mag. Yes, he met Marisa Tomei after they did that cruiser. Yes, she was hyped on it. Like the old proverb goes: “Nobody has a crush on anybody the way men born in the 80s have a crush on Marisa Tomei.”

Shopping carts and bicycle wheels are the new skatestopper. Hosea Peters has a new part entirely filmed in New York.

Throw some old King Louie shit on and watch these 15 minutes of Louie Lopez loosies.

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