Bomb Cyclone

QS x The World’s Best Griptape™ is a good home for your Christmas $ ❤️

For a more curated best of 2022 run-down than our crowd-sourced one, Boil the Ocean is in the midst of its annual top ten list of the year’s finest video parts. Jahmir ✅, Elijah ✅ and Diego ✅.

Simple Magic ran down a list of the year’s best skateboard writing. Shout out for the nod on Frozen in Carbonite’s griptape piece from June, and Ian Browning’s L.E.S. Park profile from August.

The Skate Muzik podcast also dropped its year-in-review podcast running through notable #musicsupervision selections from the past 12 months of skate videos. Shout out to the Louke Man song from the Limosine edit.

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Munchie Mart

Congrats to Beatrice on the pro board. Stephen Ostrowski has a cool story about the guest trick that she had in his Glue part on IG.

Austin Bristow dropped a seven-minute edit of the Palace boys, entitled “Laust in Translation.” Includes what is effectively a full-ish Rory Milanes part, and an ender part from Lucien Clarke, which wraps up with him hitting some of the same locations from the very first Palace trip to New York edit from 2011.

The Jenkem dudes snuck into what can without hyperbole be called the biggest bust in New York City (the Roosevelt Island Monument), so Julian Lewis could pull off two N.B.Ds. Fakie flip was worth a summons though :)

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Looks Pretty Dope

Congrats to E.T. on going pro 🍸 Board available on the Alltimers site nowPhoto by Anthony Asfour.

Added Kevin Braun’s “Pier 7” part + Casper Brooker’s “Cathedral” part filmed entirely at Southbank (it’s actually the fourth inclusion to be filmed entirely at SB) to the Quartersnacks One-Spot Part Map, which is slowly creeping its way to 100 spots :)

There is absolutely no way you haven’t already caught these, right? Jamal Smith skates to his own music and returns to the Ithaca Park that made him a superstar in his new Adidas part (that heelflip front blunt!) + Jahmir Brown pays homage to Javier Nuñez’s front crook off the Courthouse Drop in his new DC part.

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Like A Farmer

What in the wide wide world of sports is a “Training Field?!” Ummm hellooooo, it’s a F A C I L I T Y. There’s a quick feature on the making of the Palace Calvin Klein collab up on GQ. If you want some more Willem Dafoe New York content, highly recommend you watch Light Sleeper from 1992, assuming you’re ok with your movies being more ~vibes~ than plot. Written/directed by Paul Schrader (dude who wrote Taxi Driver obvs), and Susan Sarandon is hot af in it (lol) 🥵

Switch flip goals via Jessyka Bailey’s part in There’s Ruining Skateboarding video, which went up on Thrasher late last week.

Sometimes the skate gods smile down upon you, and you and some friends get a lot of time at Forbidden Banks. SOMETIMES. All that and more in Misc Moments #4 from Marcello, Nabi, Caleb, and the Canal boys.

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No Time To Blog

Photo by Greg Navarro

Feels kinda crazy starting a QS update without a picture of Keith… Was tempted to use some of Pat Steiner’s modern art masterpieces this week, but we have a whole year-end content season for that! ;)

Jawn Gardner leads the charge on an important message with a nine-minute documentary about shedding the stigma of discussing mental health issues in the skate community ♥

On the chance that you haven’t been catching the …Arizona Iced Tea skate team edits on the TWS site (..yeah!), some of the most insane skateboarding in New York released this year was via their trip edit, e.g. the back tail off the marble kicker, the switch frontside flip across from the Stock Exchange, etc. TWS just posted up the first two raw edits from it, and wow it is crazy to look back at how desolate the city was last fall.

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