Seven Steps To Tompkins

Jenkem has an interview with Trung Nguyen, the architect behind last year’s most talked-about trick, and Big Parody.

“We are sad. People can say we are overreacting and that this spot will likely be liberated, but there is a gross feeling seeing the city prioritize something like this.” Village Psychic made a tribute to their local curb on the occasion of… the city knobbing a curb — appropriately titled, “Sadman Plaza.”

The QS office favorite Rios Crew out of Budapest just dropped a new video, entitled Uccsó. They’re as atmospheric and third-eye-open with the spots as ever, but it’s the filming that truly took on a new dimension in this one.

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Best Piña Colada in Newark

The game of S.K.A.T.E. everybody has been waiting for. Nah, it’s not B.A.T.B. — it’s Turtle v.s. Rohan via Masterplan.

Beloved by few, hated by more, tolerated by the majority. The Corlears Hook Pedestrian Bridge — better known to us as the home of Alligator Ledge — was just demolished last week, following suit with the East River Park Amphitheater. Pretty sure that the last sighting of it in footage was Trung Nguyen’s section in Melodi’s “Sparks” video. Tough break for the same week they started knobbing city curbs.

Add sugarcanes on curbs to the #trendwatch.

Joe Cups uploaded a snapshot of skateboarding in New York in 1999: the original BAM, the World Trade manny pad, the mini Banks rail, trips to Casino Skatepark, and obvs Andre Page.

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That Rail Is A Sack Factory

ICYMI: The D.O.A. dudes have a new edit and tribute video out for their friend Drew Grabowski ❤️

Nollies into flatscreen TVs, noseslides on boat boards, and a dumpster-adjacent spot that’ll inevitably send group texts scouring “where is this?!” in Neema Joorabchi’s “feast your eyes” edit featuring all the dudes from the Til It’s Gone video.

Joe Cups uploaded a reel of Alex Olson, Jason Dill and Anthony Pappalardo kicking around Manhattan back in 2004.

Jenkem uncovered a trove of unseen skate photos from New York in the 1980s.

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Breeze From the East

Our webstore is now chirping with summer QS goods. Thanks for your support, as always ❤️ Available in U.S. QS accounts now. Arriving internationally now 🌏 Photo via Prov Tokyo.

This video rules: “Nice On” by Par Skateboards out of New Jersey. Perhaps the first skate video to be cross-edited with golf footage, so if golf hits the #trendwatch, you know where the nascency was. Otherwise, an all-around inspirational watch on the levels of fun you could squeeze out of hanging out in a industrial park with your friends.

“What happens when Kim Kardashian posts a picture wearing one of your hats?” Village Psychic spoke to Jerry Hsu about the ins-and-outs of starting a brand in the era where everyone has a brand + about the 1993 Foundation team, naturally.

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Cody Plus Six

Summer QS goods arriving at U.S. shops now. Internationally in the coming weeks. Our webstore will relaunch this Friday, June 24th at noon E.S.T. with summer QS items for sale ❤️ Photo via Seasons.

Flex Tape is an 18-minute New York video by Blaine Williams, pretty much all filmed in New York. Aidan Spencer’s closer part rules. Skating that perma-windy Queensboro Bridge ledge at the start of a snowstorm takes wild dedication. Ending your day there typically results in hating life.

Skate Jawn‘s “Ramps Out Back” video series tells the story of the bowl in Holyoke, Massachusetts and the role it plays in that scene’s perseverance through harsh winters + gets into some sociological stuff that these old mill towns face when new industries reshape them. Our friends at Theory in Holyoke carry QS gear, btw ;)

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