Munchie Mart

Congrats to Beatrice on the pro board. Stephen Ostrowski has a cool story about the guest trick that she had in his Glue part on IG.

Austin Bristow dropped a seven-minute edit of the Palace boys, entitled “Laust in Translation.” Includes what is effectively a full-ish Rory Milanes part, and an ender part from Lucien Clarke, which wraps up with him hitting some of the same locations from the very first Palace trip to New York edit from 2011.

The Jenkem dudes snuck into what can without hyperbole be called the biggest bust in New York City (the Roosevelt Island Monument), so Julian Lewis could pull off two N.B.Ds. Fakie flip was worth a summons though :)

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Slow Season Innit

We found a loose box tucked away in the warehouse and were able to do some light restocks of a few popular items in the webstore. If you want free shipping, ✨ use promo code MONDAYLINKS at the shipping checkout window ✨ but it’ll expire at 11:59 P.M. tonight ❤️ Thanks as always for supporting what we do.

Young goat Kyota Umeki is the latest guest on the Angel & Z podcast. (Also happy bday.)

“Bunt” is a 7-minute edit out of the Rochester scene by Steve Custozzo, spotted via Skate Jawn, and of no relation to the podcast.

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Somewhere, Somehow, Somebody Is Chilling

Fred & Paul • 📷 by Jersey Dave

The curved median ledge on Canal, just one block east of the Hudson River, has been one of those “why is this waxed?” mysteries for years. Everyone had always assumed BMXers or rollerbladers, and while that may have been the case for past years, Zak Anders (from RESPECTFULLY) lipslid it in his new “COW BOY” part, putting the first known skate footage of it to record. Appropriate that it would be across the street from what is still one of the most fucked New York clips that Brandon Westgate ever logged.

Peak-era Brian Brown was truly a magic talent on a skateboard. Joe Cups dropped an extended footy tape of his from 2004, a lot of which was in Vicious Cycle, but a lot of which wasn’t 😉 (The reigning S.O.T.Y. cited that part as one of his reasons for wanting to move out east…)

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Best Bloody in Huntington

Figured it was due time, and that the city’s three dozen skateparks have evolved past a point of us needing to point some eager tourists towards the direction of the B.Q.E. lot. Updated the QS spot book for the first time in ~two years, mainly to acknowledge the fact that, yes, curbs are formal *spots* now. Removed a handful of outdated ones (yes, the B.Q.E. lot #lol), too. If you live here or visit often, nothing to see here.

The Bronze dudes return to the Polish Park ledges that they made famous in earlier videos with some new faces + Shaun Paul goes off + Will Marshall hops over and back on the furthest possible New York spot + Josh Wilson seals it with with a 10/10 performance in Bronze x DC Shoes’ “WHAT IF GOD SAID” video.

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Friends With Fred

“Never give up. Stick with it and keep trying. Don’t get discouraged by shitty attitudes. Just keep going, man. Don’t look back… And stay off hard drugs.” Fred Gall, 2019. Not sure who shot this photo? Maybe Mehring? Photo by Reda.

Figure there is zero chance anybody who is a QS Monday Links reader would not have already seen Fred Gall’s “Spiritual Healing” part, but it would also be sacrilegious to not mention it.

“You needed to bring a mattress there ’cause you run right into a brick wall and you’ll die without a mattress.” Thrasher also posted up Brian Anderson’s interview with Fred Gall.

…aaannndddddd The Warm-Up Zone — the internet’s leading Fred Gall scholars — compiled a recap of the past 18 months of Freddy’s achievements leading up to the part.

It’s a week with both a Naquan and a Johnny YouTube upload ⚱️

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