Bags to the Sky

Dutchy by Ben Colen 📷

Pocket did a day in the life with the Rat Ratz crew out in Milan 🇮🇹

Here’s a 17-minute raw Max Palmer fan edit that somebody compiled, dating back to the days when the Delancey Curbs were a popping spot. If you want some additional Max entertainment, you might want to run back Johnny Wilson’s front nose compilation from 2019 :)

Baked Beans” is an 18-minute New York scene video by Hannah Goodman. Spotted via Skate Jawn.

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Twenty Twenty Two

Happy New Year 🍾 Pleased to report that the latest round of QS merch is available at fine shops across the U.S. now. Canada + Australia probably this week. Japan, Europe + Korea definitely this week ❤️ The QS webstore will launch with the new line on Friday, January 7 @ 12 P.M. E.S.T. Thank you for the support, as always.

Such a pleasure watching Jahmal Williams skate. He has a solid batch of footy in the new Hopps x Labor edit, which also includes some third-eye-open spot choreography at D7 of all places.

New Josh Paynter video blog full of creative spot digging went up just before the new year. Love these a lot. 10/10.

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Clogging the Feed

Big news: the Dunk is out. We can stop clogging your social feeds now.

Have you heard the other big news? Everybody’s favorite skateboarder — yes, Keith Denley — is pro! At risk of not coming off absolutely insane promoting two collabs in the same week (we never planned for things to pan out that way, but c’est la vie), we took pause on pushing the new Hopps x Quartersnacks stuff, but it’s arriving at all Hopps accounts now. We’ll have it on our webstore soon. Whether Keith ends up filming *that part* remains to be seen, but in the eternal words of Mr. Hjalte Halberg: “You Americans are too serious about the pro board shit, in Europe you just turn the homie pro. Fuck it! It’s not about being ‘pro’ at skating. If you are a sick character, you should be pro!”

WEALTH is a new 17-minute video by Steve Lancello filmed all throughout the northeast, with a fire Neil Herrick part at the end. Is that the first footy of someone connecting a trick over the concrete divider on that that side street off Flatbush? Feels like an Aaron Herrington spot too, but maybe misremembering.

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Winter 2026

Congratulations to pro skateboarder, Jesse Alba

Winter 2021 #TRENDWATCH: Human kickflips. A lil’ worried about what this spells for people’s necks if this #trend really starts to take off…

Hood Motivation” is the latest video from Thumbs NYC, filmed at a lot more tucked-away spots throughout the city and beyond. Features parts from Olu Stanley (that switch hardflip on the diamond-plate bank!), Angel Fonseca, and others.

Village Psychic presents “The Prospect Video,” a six-minute, second-half-of-2020 edit by Derek Heydle, that is effectively “Night Lines at BAM: The Video.”

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Only Slimes

Photo by Daniel Weiss

Alltimers got hacked!

“Summer Trip to New York” season has obviously been affected by COVID travel bans, yet it has not full-on stopped skate travel into the city. It’s a really interesting time to visit New York, and videos from right now will stand out a lot down the line. Can’t tell where these dudes are from, but enjoyed every bit of “Pull Up,” a new nine-minute trip edit from Juan Reyna. (They got the memo that Times Square is fun right now.)

“The one thing that has stuck out in my mind from early on was that clip of you backflipping off the Love Park sign after that contest. What the hell were you thinking?” Josh Stewart interviewed the forever inspirational Jahmal Williams for Germany’s Solo magazine.

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