Zered over The Grate™ by Jonathan Mehring • ~10ish years ago • Tell Zered happy bday today
Pat Smith’s Coda Skateboards imprint turned 20 this year, and to celebrate, they dropped their fourth full-length video entitled Coda EP, which is heavy on the D.I.Y. spots (some built outta mulch…) + crust + includes a Tony Farmer section! Lots of crazy shit towards the end.
The Mômes boys out of Paris did a Barcelona trip and came back with a new edit: “Zero Footage.”
Videographer Joe Hiddleson has been uploading tapes captured from 90s skate missions, and this one of Bam Margera skating the Financial District in ’96 is gold. Ends on a drop-in battle down the grey wall that Stu Kirst rode into in Johnny’s Vid. Was shocked to see how much of lower Manhattan in 1996 still looks the same today.