Andrew Miami videographer Zoogie dropped a six-minute New Year’s edit featuring Sully Cardenas, Stafhon Boca, Coles Bailey, Elijah Odom and many more familiar faces. Gabe’s noseslide at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store might legit be the second or third clip anyone has ever got there on account of the security.
“This video encapsulates that sense of solace and escape.” Constantine Baranovskyi and his crew dropped “GOING THROUGH,” a Kyiv scene video filmed over the past year. Wow
Sorry I’m Not From Here is a video by Shaquille Waite filmed during his first year of living in New York. Feel good vibes the whole way through + there’s a kickflip crook towards the end that is so wild and comes out of absolutely nowhere
That Shit Held Me Down is a full-length New York scene video by Daniel Star, which includes tons of familiar faces (that Alan Bell clip at CBS is wild) + a part from Mecca Mshaka-Morris!
Naquan Rollings dropped a quick edit of his crew’s first session down the Brooklyn Banks 9. There are some beautiful pieces of flip trick #form in there.
Not even a few hours after it finished, the YouTubers compiled all the stories and Insta posts of the footage from the Hardies x Supreme event at 12th and A this past Saturday. Features obviously Tyshawn, but also Karim Callender, Troy Gipson, and Who Kid in the dunk tank.
Here’s an eight-minute recap of the Hardies event at Blue Park this past Friday, which includes the best angle of Tyshawn’s kickflip over the table longways thus far.
The Man Who Films spent a lot of time in Rockaway this past summer and made a fifteen-minute video entitled “Beach Genius.” Everyone knows that Rockaway isn’t the most abundant part of the city for spots, so shout out to those guys for managing to avoid all the skateparks in all but one clip. Includes a mini Phil Rodriguez section where he somehow turns one of those blue bus shelters into an actual bank. And it’s also perhaps the first time in human history that there’s been a transition from Nicki Minaj to …MF Doom. Good vibe the whole way through, and the right amount of ~different~ ♥
Listen up, fuckers: Voter registration periods in most states end this week. In New York, the voter registration deadline is Friday, and lucky for you, New York offers online registration. (New Jersey’s deadline is October 16, but you’ll need to mail in your registration.) Just under 50% of eligible 18-29 year-olds voted in 2016, whereas nearly 75% of 65+ year-olds did. Literal senior citizens are steering the course of your future. And that whole “my vote doesn’t matter!” / “it’s all corrupt!” / “both candidates suck!” shit is exactly the sort of cowardly laziness that anybody working against your self interests is dependent on. So, if you are eligible A)take the time out of the day you’d otherwise waste filming shitty skate tricks and register if you are not already, and B) if you do not vote on November 6, I hope to every possible higher power there is that you roll the fuck out of your ankle first thing in the morning on November 7 — like I hope it’s an excruciating cantaloupe size roll that takes five hellish months to heal where you don’t get laid once, and I hope that on your first day back skating after those frustrating five months, you roll the life out of the other ankle and it takes even longer to heal.
Psssst…shops have began getting fall QSmerch in. Arriving in Europe & Japan this week. Check our stockists page to see which shops will have it in both in the States and globally. Our webstore will relaunch on Monday, October 15 at midnight E.S.T. (basically still Sunday night) with all of the new items.
The Canal video, Mode, is now online in full. Really fun video pretty much entirely filmed in New York, with the highest volume of midtown clips of any local vid in recent memory (always nostalgic for that.) It’s always heartwarming to see crews who grew up together keep skating and making full-lengths into adulthood ♥
Tied with midtown footage, our favorite sub-genre of New York skateboarding is watching Tyshawn skate over trashcans. Plenty of that and more in Thrasher’s recap video from the Hardies Can Jam at Blue Park last week.
Pat Hoblin has a rad new part over on TWS. The curvy boardslide over at the old Red Benches + the ender at Seward Park are both wild.
“Anything that combats the idea that skateboarding should be relegated to the skatepark is cool, and to me a worthwhile cause.” Alexis Sablone, who has a masters degree in architecture, created a sick-looking skateable sculpture park in downtown New York (just kidding, you know that shit is obviously in Malmö), and told Medium mag the story.
Russia’s Absurd Skateboards leads the skate world in companies whose trip destinations I most frequently have to search on Google Maps. Their latest one was to the Sea of Azov.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Basketball is back! Honestly started laughing upon remembering Lance Stephenson and Lebron are on the same team now. Lance Stephenson Finals MVP book it!!!
Quote of the Week: “Damn, Frank Gerwer looks like me in ’06.” — Emilio Cuilan