Deep Breath

In a shocking turn of events, there is currently a New York City Council Proposal to expedite a restoration of the Small Banks and the adjacent basketball courts into an active public space. Leave a comment to show your support.

An eight-minute Jahmir Brown Instagram loosies comp.

A four-minute Carl Aikens IG loosies comp (pretty much all city footy.)

Polar videographer Tor Ström has an incredible new edit out entitled, “Until Then.” Filmed in Malmö, Copenhagen and Portland, Oregon (funny how those places half-a-world apart feel so spiritually connected by terrain, D.I.Ys and weather.) Features much of the Polar extended family.

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Cheap Divorce

Photo via Jersey Dave

Thanks to everyone who grabbed something from the webstore over the weekend. Holiday QS goods should have made their way to most U.S. shops by now. Arriving in Canada + Japan this week. Europe + everywhere else next week. Thank you for the support during these shaky times ♥

If you missed it in July, now would be a good time to read Farran’s #longform Slam City interview with Tom Knox about …lines.

“It is like Tom Knox is doing missionary work, faithfully showing that London is skateable. He ardently skates his home surroundings, teaching us, like a prophet finding a spring of water in the desert.” — Everyday Hybridity re: the spots in Tom Knox’s “Atlantic Drift” part.

Thrasher posted the interview with Leo, Cher and Stephen about Glue Skateboards online.

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11 Is The New 4

Photo via Jason Lecras

“She’s like, ‘Are you that exciting that somebody is going to follow you all day?’ And I’m like, ‘Hell yeah.'” There’s a bit of #fomo with each slice of content that involves friends abroad these days. Pocket‘s “Followed” segment kicked it with Hjalte Halberg for a day. Yes there are noseslides, yes we miss his beautiful Danish voice. “Ah, ok, fuck.”

Who knows what love is” is a fifteen-minute homie video by Lorenzo Frijas. 2/3 Bay Area footage, 1/3 New York, all good vibes the whole way through ♥

Jahmir Brown is the latest guest on The Bunt.

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Pic via @rinyahata_ on IG

Threw the remaining bits of our fall 2019 release on sale in the webstore. Truthfully, it’s mostly beanies and smalls, but there are a few loose other sizes left in there. Figured now was a good time to clear this out as everyone adjusts to the slower pace of life while we wait for this shit to calm down — yes, skate shops are affected. We’ll be good though, just gotta ride it out and be smart. It’s not like we have another choice, yaknow? ♥ Everyone be clean, be safe, be nice and be patient. QS content resumes as usual, because you already know that fashion never sleeps :)

Skate videos used to be so cute and innocent.

All the Streets Are Silent: The Convergence of Hip-Hop and Skateboarding (1987-1997) is coming soon. Think about that Slam interview with Eli Gesner from last week, but wider in scope, and in documentary form. (Timely name, too!)

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Board’s In The Ocean, G!

Cafe Pick Me Up

Mega relevant to a certain segment of our readers and anyone who has appeared in a B.S.A. Boys video: the northern zone of McCarren Park adjacent to the bathrooms, known to many as “The Couch,” is slated to be renovated into a restaurant next year.

Marcus Pulvermacher made a fourteen-minute edit from summer 2019 that includes a ton of bro cam clips of Genny and Caleb. Fun vibe to start a 55-degree Monday in February…

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