And These Links From Snacks Not From YouTube

Photo by Greg Navarro 📷

Thanks to everyone who grabbed something off the webstore sale last week. Should be caught up on shipping by end of today 📦💨

The NPR Story on the A.V.E. bench spills a bit of the secret on how the bench got to Richmond, Virginia at the end, straight from…the Temple University police. Bravo to skateboarders, for always figuring it out. If you aren’t already aware, @ave_bench on Instagram has been tracking the world tour at every turn.

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Westgate & The Youths — Tim Savage’s ‘Brian, Brandon & Will’ Video

Being a fan of skateboarding is not without its emotional volatility. Skaters show promise and disappear. People get injured and are never the same again. Some coast on good-will from a bygone era while fans plead for anything, even a quick crumb on the ‘Gram.

With all this uncertainty, it’s nice never having to worry about Brandon Westgate. Even after 15+ years of him doing Brandon Westgate shit — he still finds the time to log parts full of new and improved Brandon Westgate shit. This time around, the difference is that he is allowing his longstanding superpowers to supercharge on a younger generation of New Englanders. Just wait for the ender.

Tim Savage — whose Boston scene video, Grace, stands as one of last summer’s best — has a new one out that is effectively a big shared part between Brian Reid, Will Mazzari, and yes, Brandon Westgate. Rather than sticking to the Boston staples like Eggs and Financial District, the video casts a wide net throughout New England that is sure to inspire a few road trips this summer.

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Shoutout Pluto

Photo by Greg Navarro

It is impossible to overstate what a joy it is to watch John Gardner’s “Shoutout Earth” raw files. From the close calls, to the spot selection, to his general ability to use his superpowers to do the type of shit that only Jawn Gardner could do — raw files get dropped out of a literal waterfall these days, but this one is a special watch ❤️ (John’s QS interview from 2017 is still a favorite.)

Love a homie video that ends with a …bar fight :) Rock Bottom II by Reilly Schlitt is a very fun watch. Entirely filmed in New York, heavy on the downtown Brooklyn spots, smiles all around.

Andrew Reynolds spoke to Village Psychic about the politics of having a signature trick.

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Run That Back Turbo: Sean Evans’ ‘GRACE’ Part

Even the kids are like, “Holy shit, look at that switch flip.”

Any astute QS reader is already familiar with Tim Savage’s Grace video, which arrived earlier this summer. (Jenkem has a full interview about it, in case you are uninitiated.)

Grace felt nostalgic-yet-current: a 38-minute runtime for a meticulously crafted local video harks back to period when attention spans were un-Instagramized, but the generation it introduces stakes their names well into the future. It is hard to remember what the last Boston video with this many new faces was, and should the Grace boys become the Boston version of something like the Sabotage franchise a few hundred miles south, everyone would be pretty ok with that ♥

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Slouching Towards T.F.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on the QS one-spot map. Going to try and keep it as up to date as possible. Funny how practically the same day we went live with it, there was a new part filmed entirely at the Dylan monument spot in Berlin, and one at the Herbis plaza in Osaka. (Portland sources seem to say that the new Silas part is filmed at two spots, thus failing to qualify for the metric of being able to pinpoint it to a single location.)

Thrasher dropped an extended IGTV raw edit of the T.J. footy from the last lil’ Instamix that came out alongside his lowtop shoe. Wow, obvs.

Ben Kadow has a new Hockey part filmed pretty much entirely in the city, on insane spots that seldom register as “spots” to us normies, e.g. the 5050 bench ollie at Central Park, the perpendicular drop in boardslide, et al.

All the Streets Are Silentthe documentary that was supposed to be about Zoo York’s Mixtape video before sprawling into a much bigger project — arrives in theaters this week.

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