The Evolution of the Bondo

Trung Nguyen @ Cadman • 📷 by

Would love to locate this guy to be the new interviewer for QS. First subject: Max Palmer.

Pete Spooner just dropped an extended cut of loosies from his new video, Sturdy. DVDs of the video are available now. Run back Various Artists while you’re at it, too.

Heckride has the first-ever interview with This Is A Window and Mind How You Go mastermind, Jeff Cecere.

Alexis Lacroix breaks down his signature “ski ride” alongside a compilation of third-eye-open insanity for Skate Jawn.

Stafhon, Diego, Gabe Thompson, Aaron Loreth, and David Stenstrom in Miami for Stussy.

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Architectural Digest

Photo via @tossnyc_slon

“Everything hard to get or expensive isn’t necessarily any more fulfilling. If caviar was $1 a pound, I don’t think anybody would want it.” Jenkem interviewed Antonio Durao about the move to Hardbody, sponsorship history, and his beautiful perspective on this thing we call life ❤

Ted Barrow runs through the history of the Courthouse-Blubba-Columbus Park triangle that sits at the site of the once worst-slum in America — and now makes up probably 25% of New York skate coverage — for the latest episode of Thrasher‘s “This Old Ledge.”

Our friends at Place Mag and Daniel Paese tried to answer one of humanity’s most confounding questions via video essay. No, not are we alone in the universe, but the eternal: “why don’t you skate at the skatepark?”

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Antonio Durao & Hjalte Halberg Sk8 For Hardbody

Boards available now 💪

Max Palmer got the Pocket “Followed” treatment as they …followed him from his home, to his studio, to Fort Green Park, and then to pizza ❤️ Might be the first or second time many people are hearing Max talk.

Richie Blackshaw has a new part for Metal Skateboards via Vague — full of New Jersey crust and a Fred Gall-ian eye for spots. That 5-0 pivot down the edge on those banks across from Lincoln Center was so wild. Video by Brandon Stepanow.

An extended dive into the last days of Muni + a Pyramid Ledge banger (into the construction!) in Kiernan McGinnis’ “Budget Junglizm” part that feels adjacent to the Sabotage universe.

Quinn Batley dropped a quick mini part for Melodi.

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How To Make A Skate Video — ‘Johnny’s Vid,’ The New Video From Johnny Wilson

Of all the wrestling-ass malarkey that we trick ourselves into doing, anticipating the footage of tricks on magazine covers — especially Thrasher covers — occupies a special place. Like, we watch the video mentally ignoring the fact we don’t already know what the ender is going to be. Louie Lopez alluded to it in his Village Psychic thing where he made clear his attempt to ensure the cover trick wasn’t the ender, but alas, it was.

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Great Weather For D7

🧢 Classic QS arch caps available in the webstore 🧢

Congrats to Aaron Loreth on going pro for Limosine Skateboards ❤️ Aaron has a new part by Benny Maglinao out. As an added bonus, Farran Golding chopped up the audio of Trung Nguyen talking about Aaron’s 917 #2 section over the original part via Trung’s Five Favorite Parts installment.

Hugh O’Hare + some of the Travel Skateshop heads have a New Jersey-based montage out featuring a bunch gentleman who are exceptionally talented at manuals 📍

EC Melodi has a new one out entitled “Break Your Legs,” featuring favs like Akobi Williams, Coles Bailey, Myles Underwood, and more. Also includes maybe the most insane minute of slams in recent memory towards the middle.

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