
Alexis via Zered on the photo.

Alexis Sablone self-filmed, scored and edited her new part, which includes a switch varial heelflip that should be played on loop in the flip trick museum.

Not only is Skate Jawn one of the best longstanding American skate ‘zines, but they are also the principal torch-holders for the “video magazine” format that people of a certain age grew up with. Their 10yerr video feels like a spiritual sequel to Fiddy, though more specified in its episodes, with sections in Japan, Prague, extras from the Rust Belt Trap squad, etc.

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Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the Moon

Keith Denley by Josh Stewart

Dustin Henry and his brother Tristan are asking for skaters’ aid in fundraising for Nations Skate Youth, which helps build indigenous communities, provides skate lessons, and advocates for skatepark construction. Any donation helps.

Max Palmer and Ryan Mettz curated a group art show with some friends to fundraise for SNaP Co. and Emergency Release Fund. You can buy a raffle ticket for any piece of your liking via a $20 Venmo, and all proceeds go to a good cause.

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Life in the Slow Lane

Austyn Gillette by Andrew James Peters. 2011.

An interesting quarantine contest would be best rendition of Fred Gall’s phone call to Tony Hawk, which Boil the Ocean just transcribed for posterity purposes. That means comic book renderings, live action re-creations, claymation, anime, abstract art, whatever. Kinda like a skate version of The Simpsons “Steamed Hams” remixes. Yes? No? Do we call a Zoom meeting to figure out logistics?

“The only TV show I’ve been watching is FaceTime with Mitch B.” Will Marshall is the latest guest on The Bunt. Will has a tactful ability to almost *go there* but he never quite goes there, unless of course, you skate for Bones Wheels ♥

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Celebration Station

“I went from being a kid skating on my block to hanging out with all the best skaters in New York City because I learned how to do a frontside 360 boneless.” A friend once had a story about how their book club took a razor to The Powerbroker and sliced it up into three books to make it more reasonable of a read. This isn’t that dramatic, but a blog interview that takes over two hours to read is a lot for most people in the era of byte-sized #content — but we’re *SO* happy that people are putting detailed, rich content on the internet that requires a commitment! Isn’t that what it’s for?! The Slam City Skates blog’s interview with Eli Gesner about skateboarding + graffiti in New York in the 80s, night clubs in the early 90s, the beginnings of Shut + Zoo York, etc. is like a little history book :)

This skatepark was founded in 1906 by the Black Panther party.”

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