An Arm & a Leg & a Monday Link

Jesse Alba made a bro cam edit from a trip to London with Cyrus, Diego Todd + some cameos from the Atlantic Drift dudes.

Alex Olson explains why Mike Carroll is the best for eight minutes.

Naquan uploaded a five-minute “remix” of Gang Corp’s Black Business video, though it feels like a solid chunk of those clips weren’t in the original video.

A wider net for skate interviews this past week than the typical guys talking about their first sponsor type of thing — 1) The Wall Street Journal interviewed Beatrice Domond. There’s a pay-wall involved, but it seems like they let you rock on one free article. 2) “I just really like New York.” Elissa Steamer interviewed Alexis Sablone for Thrasher. 3) Skateism interviewed Forrest Kirby, in what I believe is his first interview since he publicly came out last year.

“Are we already in the Matrix?” Skate Jawn interviewed Jawn Gardner about astrology, the afterlife and time travel + they also have a quick one with Kyota that includes some rad photos.

Kyota also edited some loosies together for a new YouTube montage.

The demolition of the city’s first and oldest skatepark has begun.

Quick video from Brendan Gilliam that features Billy McFeely, Leo Gutman, etc. The Beach 90th Rockaway Skatepark is a street spot, yes.

Mark Suciu v.s. Three Up Three Down, the perennial favorite west side spot of the QS office.

Yaje Popson and Pat Hoblin have some footage in the new edit from Yoan Taillandier’s “Minuit” series.

BBC’s “The Next Episode” podcast has a conversation about mental health within the skateboard comunnity in the shadow of Ben Raemers’ death.

The Sabotage dudes have a new video due out next year, and shared a teaser montage last week that feels like it would’ve played after the credits of an E.S.T. video in 2002.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Gotta hand it to Jeremy Lin. (Obvs joking — that video is just too funny. Genuinely happy for Lin, along with every other player whose career Knicks management tried to throw under the bus, only for them to become champs elsewhere.)

Quote of the Week: “What the fuck are you so grumpy about?” — A young lady to Ben Blundell after waking him up at 4 A.M. because her and 15 other people came back to his hotel room with his roommate to keep partying. Valid question tbh.


  1. The Ben Raemers pod is a must listen. Really sad, but you forget how macho a lot of the thought in skating is. And how unbeneficial it is to all.

  2. unbeneficial to all? Go get a latte from Phluid bro we all benefit plenty from watching dumb macho idiots huck tricks over testosterone-limit-pushing spots

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