Holiday QS stuff arriving at U.S. shops now. Online soon. Europe + Asia + Canada should be arriving this week. Much love for the support as always
The quality + quantity of footage Antonio got in one day of skating downtown L.A. for an Insta clip promoting a Dunk collab does a decent job of capturing his magic. Kinda felt like a more lo-def edition of those Numbers edits they were dropping in the late 2010s.
Our friends at Classic Grip dropped a new edit: “Basgrain 700k.”
Thrasher posted their photo feature from Supreme’s Play Dead video online for all those who didn’t catch the print issue, with captions from Ben Kadow. “This concludes bump-to-can skating.”
Pro skater / hockey player / tennis player / jump roper Gino Iannucci is the latest subject of Thrasher‘s “Out There” series.
Pat Hoblin dropped a part with Place filmed in New York over the course of five days, full of cutty spots and cramped spaces.
“Ok, this is what I love about this video. Even the dudes who only have a trick or two have some serious effort going into their titles.” Village Psychic has a cool feature dissecting the use of typefaces in Hockey videos.
For as dire as the weather situation in Buffalo, New York often gets, they sure do crank out edits: “Recess” is a 15-minute Buffalo scene video by Nick Esthimer.
Another Upstate New York video (this time centered around Rochester), also spotted via our friends at Skate Jawn: “croûte” by Brian Avery.
“The cardinal sin for me is if it’s boring, and if it’s really boring, then I probably already forgot that it even exists. A ‘bad’ video is at least entertaining in how unfortunate it is and therefore becomes something worth watching.” Jenkem spoke to Cooper Winterson about what he’s learned from making skate videos for over a decade.
Jenkem also skated around downtown with Vitoria Mendonça while she was out here on a filming trip for Element’s ESP 2 video that just dropped.
“After this past week does everybody maybe need a nap?” — Boil the Ocean re: banger fatigue
Skate Events! — 1) Our friend Adam Zhu has a photo show at 17 Allen Street on Saturday, December 10. More details soon. 2) Jeff Cecere’s new video, Mind How You Go, is premiering at The Woods in Williamsburg on Thursday, December 15. Flyer here.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week — A rookie hitting a game winner over the Lakers when they were up 17 at one point. Sheesh.
Quote of the Week “You should be surprised when there isn’t traffic.” — Rob Harris re: people being surprised when there’s traffic
Can we get a Numbers reboot w just Koston and Durao? Seems like a no brainer.