The game of S.K.A.T.E. everybody has been waiting for. Nah, it’s not B.A.T.B. — it’s Turtle v.s. Rohan via Masterplan.
Beloved by few, hated by more, tolerated by the majority. The Corlears Hook Pedestrian Bridge — better known to us as the home of Alligator Ledge — was just demolished last week, following suit with the East River Park Amphitheater. Pretty sure that the last sighting of it in footage was Trung Nguyen’s section in Melodi’s “Sparks” video. Tough break for the same week they started knobbing city curbs.
Add sugarcanes on curbs to the #trendwatch.
Joe Cups uploaded a snapshot of skateboarding in New York in 1999: the original BAM, the World Trade manny pad, the mini Banks rail, trips to Casino Skatepark, and obvs Andre Page.
Efron Danzig has an interview up on the Heckride website.
Brian Anderson is the latest guest on the “Angel & Z” podcast.
Myles Strampello has a new, mostly New York part for Former with quick Jake Anderson and Austyn cameos. Ender is wild.
Jenkem did one of their “Shop Talk” segments at Vans Space 198 (“Mike V. because he fights”) + Skate Jawn celebrated 12 years at the Vans space and posted up a recap last week.
Our friends at Familia in Minneapolis have moved into making hardgoods, and Kirian Stone made a part / remix for Village Psychic to celebrate the launch of Familia Skateboards.
Caught a third-eye-open, high bust ride-on grind at the Time-Life building in the Straight Jacket video by Rapid Skateshop out of Simi Valley, CA. Great video the whole way through.
“And if a skateboarding video can make you register a real human emotion, that is a sign of its success.” Simple Magic offers up some words for videos on polar opposite ends of one another on the skateboard aesthetics spectrum: Much Needed After A Long and Plan B’s new one.
Quote of the Week “You’re a long way from home, player.” — Jersey Dave
Happy [belated] birthday, K.T!
hbd to the only guy who celebrates his friends’ bdays by making everyone watch every one of his own video parts