Highwaymen 2025 — Ross Norman & Mike Rosa for Politic Part

📷 Photo by Smalls

The buddy-comedy style of filmmaking has seen better days. Case in point: the fifth installment in the Lethal Weapon series remains in Hollywood purgatory dating back to 1998. Fortunately for us, Ross Norman and Mike Rosa (with Smalls wielding the VX) resurrect the genre with a new D.C.-centric part for Politic. Ross continues his Pulaski homage to the Trilogy playbook, and Mike drops power moves including one of the upper-echelon ledge tricks. — Frozen in Carbonite

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Munchie Mart

Congrats to Beatrice on the pro board. Stephen Ostrowski has a cool story about the guest trick that she had in his Glue part on IG.

Austin Bristow dropped a seven-minute edit of the Palace boys, entitled “Laust in Translation.” Includes what is effectively a full-ish Rory Milanes part, and an ender part from Lucien Clarke, which wraps up with him hitting some of the same locations from the very first Palace trip to New York edit from 2011.

The Jenkem dudes snuck into what can without hyperbole be called the biggest bust in New York City (the Roosevelt Island Monument), so Julian Lewis could pull off two N.B.Ds. Fakie flip was worth a summons though :)

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It’s 5 Hours Somewhere

Photo via Zach

Nice! So we made it two weeks without having to rally for a skate spot’s survival on a Monday Links post… This time, the spot is an ocean away, but in this media enterprise’s opinion, it’s the best spot in the world — even better than Tompkins when there are two boxes! Everyday Hybridity has the most current update on Prague’s Stalin Plaza being fenced off / condemned to renovation.

It’s all fun and games until Balenciaga actually does a renegade runway show at Blue Park next September.

A dear friend, “Zach from Crown Heights,” called into The Brian Lehrer Show’s episode about the “cost of climate resilience” to provide a T.F. anecdote to the ongoing battle with the East River Park renovation. The convo in question happens just after the 17-minute mark. Whole episode is worth listening to if you want some context as to how this whole issue came to be in the first place.

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Frozen in Carbonite Presents — Song of the Summer x Video Part of the Summer 2019: Sponsored by Popeye’s

Words by Frozen in Carbonite

It was the best of chicken sandwiches; it was the worst of chicken sandwiches.

At press time, I have yet to experience the already-legendary Popeye’s chicken sandwich. The saga — almost Dickensian, if you will — continues. First, I called around to see which area franchises carried the sandwich to no avail. When I inquired as to when it would become available, they responded with some variation of “whenever the owner decides to sell the sandwich.”

I felt like a schlub, like I was calling around on a Jordan release date asking, “uhhhh when are y’all gettin’ a restock?” In the subsequent weeks, the sandwich has taken my area by storm, leading to football-field-long drive-thru lines and signs that flat-out say: “WE ARE OUT OF CHICKEN SANDWICHES.”

Like I said, the saga continues…

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3 Mophies Is Basically a VX

Brian Panebianco at the ever-enduring ABC Ledges. Photo via Mike Heikkila, who actually has an interview over on the Skate Jawn site.

“The only survivor of this whole mess of skateboard media is Thrasher. And why? Because they’re still owned by a skateboard family…If I ever were to start another magazine, that’s how I would do it.” Hanson O’Haver wrote wrote an awesome oral history of Transworld, which closely parallels the greater story of skateboard media in the last thirty years.

“I didn’t want to be that kid asking for stuff. I’d rather just buy it.” Josh Davis wrote a rad profile of T.J. for Hypebeast’s magazine. They just put up online.

Ross Norman — a longtime favorite of the QS office, and the guy who Hjalte said he stole all his tricks from — has a new part over on the Free site. Hasn’t long a single step.

“So how does it feel to be a woman in skating?” “Well, I have a vagina, and if I do a kickflip, it’s still there.”

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