End of the Summer / Labor Day Weekend 2014 Clip


When I die, bury me inside the Gucci store…but like actually.

It’s that time of year again. This one is a little different because it includes a quick Euro interlude from our time in Paris and Copenhagen this summer. Thanks to everyone who looked out while we were out there: Rich Homie Juan, Frey Dogg, Hjalte (I lost your line for some unknown reason, sorry, I’m an idiot), etc. Enjoy your long weekend and start planning those outfits for NYFW14!

Features Alexander Mosley, Connor Champion, Kadeem Walters, Ty Lyons, Tyler Tufty, Josh Velez, Michael Gigliotti, Matthew Perez, Jon Diaz, Haffa, Jack Sabback, Antonio Durao, Pryce Holmes, Torey Goodall, Danny Brady, Frey Dogg, Pad Dowd, Andre Page, Emilio Cuilan, Rich Homie Juan, Rory Milanes, Kevin Tierney, Uptown Eddie, Chris Haslam’s ex-girlfriend.

Contributing filmers: Andre Page, Richard Quintero, Josh Velez.

We *would* include an alternate YouTube link, but apparently they started disabling audio on account of music rights again? Sick! Glad you record labels are keeping your business models current!

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, this entire clip would be edited to “You the World” if only it had come out a week before. Unfortunately, it came out on Wednesday, and the clip was already halfway done at that point :(

Previous End of Summer Editions: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

Don’t Look Like That: End of Summer 2013

dre roof 360 flip

We’re three weeks past our Labor Day deadline for End of Summer clips, Dre is back to wearing colors besides white, and we’ve been experiencing some 50-degree mornings, so this is more like a Start of Fall clip.

The past summer was weird. Our research of recent visitor trends revealed a massive increase of Brooklyn readers, so we were advised to up the wallie and wallride count in this video by a whopping 80%. In fact, Josh Velez took it upon himself to enter the wallie arc of his career some seven years earlier than he initially anticipated to remedy this disconnect between the site’s content and its readers/viewers. Also, there are an inordinate amount of Jersey Shore spots in this clip to add to the weirdness.

Features Zered Bassett, Atlanta Shane, Haffa, Galen Dekemper, John Diaz, Ron Deily, Josh Velez, Pryce Holmes, Elijah Cole, Lui Elliot, Kadeem Walters, Ritch Homie Swain, Torey Goodall, Shawn Powers, Andre Page, Matthew Perez, Lurker Lou, Brendan Carroll, Tyler Tufty, Quim Cardona, Gavin Nolan, Paul Tucci, and Alexander Mosley.

Have a good weekend.

Alternate YouTube Link

Previous “End of Summer” Editions: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

Merry Christmas

east 73rd st

Merry Christmas everybody. Here’s our annual mostly midtown / Christmas light footage / non-rap clip. Comes complete with two backpack lines and more tricks on three/four stair handrails than ever before. “I done seen everything today!”

In case you guys didn’t know, during annual Christmas music research for this clip, the fact that the Ying Yang Twins have a Christmas album came to light. Needless to say, it’s incredible. At least for the first minute or so. (Here’s another good one.)

Features: Alexander Mosley, Black Dave A.K.A. Black Santa, Tyshawn Jones, TJ’s homie (sorry for not getting your name), Gavin Nolan, Eli Reed, Josh Velez, Ritch Swain, Roctakon, Pad Dowd, Ty Lyons, Tyler Tufty, Dustin Eggeling, Keith Denley, Sweet Waste, Pryce Holmes, Pat Edge, Torey Goodall, Brendan Carroll, Matthew Mooney, Jack Sabback, Kevin Tierney, Brian Clarke, and Andre Page.

Contributing filmers: Joe Bressler, Jeff Ricker, Andre Page, Josh Velez. Thank you.

Alternate YouTube Link. Just an FYI for mobile users: YouTube will *not* play the video on iPhones, etc. because of third party content (i.e. uncleared music.) It should, however, work on Vimeo. YouTube poorly words their disable notice by making it seem like the uploader is preventing it for mobile playback as opposed to the company who owns the music.

This is the eighth one. In case you haven’t been keeping up, here are some relevant links to past Christmas clips: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005.

“They Hollywood as Hell”

“Notice the Osiris logo? I’m trying to make it the best selling drink of all time, like the D3. I put an éS logo in there for the skaters, too.” — Pryce Holmes, creator of the “The Pryce Holmes”

Some Norwegians from Matix Clothing flew out to New York, and posted up a well-done trip montage on Vimeo. The most impressive manuver in the video is a 360 flip down that awful double-set on 39th Street and Broadway. Does anyone want to buy Quartersnacks a T2i by any chance?

Seldom-seen footage of the switch big flip over the Fish Gap. Apparently, it was in some Focus video New York montage. If it’s not on the internet, it may as well have never happened. It’s online now, so everyone could strike it off the “heard about it, but never saw the footage” list. Most of that list actually has to do with big flips.

Anyone who grew up watching E.S.T. videos and Metrospective clips definitely looked up to Danny Falla (a back tail backside flip out over the Flushing grate was pretty massive in 2002…there weren’t legions of Europeans flying in to do misty flip crooked grinds over the grate gap back then), so it’s cool to see him getting more coverage these days.

There’s a new, stupid up rail in SoHo. Someone is probably going to get murdered on it. It’s 100 times more dangerous than New York’s original [knobbed] Up Rails, and those were dangerous.

Michael Gigliotti put together one last clip before he says goodbye to New York and skateboarding for quite some time. Features mostly skatepark footage, Little Alex, and probably the last footage of Giglotti until his Mariano in Fully Flared-level comeback part in 2018.

Speaking of Gigliotti, The Shady One, and the Homie Pro, they have the finest section in the 40-minute Diamond Days compilation. Brian Delatorre has the best music/skating combo, and E.J. appropriately has the curtains. ¡TOMA!

They Hollywood as hell,” says UNIS graduate Joakim Noah. UNIS should have taught him that the proper phrasing is “they are Hollywood as hell.” They probably couldn’t teach him much about being more effective on offense though.

Thanks to 1 Cigarette, Grey Skate Mag, Ethan Evans, Pyrex Vision, Recordings of Boardings, Network Skate, So Fucking Radical, 48 Blocks, Olson Stuff, NY Skateboarding, Kingpin (only ones who pointed out that Billy skates solely in Air Max 90s), Caught in the Crossfire, and Hella Clips for linking up out Memorial Day weekend montage.

Quote of the Week:The world can’t end at least until the Knicks win a championship again. So we got a long time to go.” — Mike Bloomberg. Not to co-sign Bloomberg or anything, but he’s right on this one.

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Merry Christmas

Here’s the annual jazzy mood piece. Filmed throughout the past three months. Twenty-percent of the total eleven minutes was filmed on one miraculous twenty-five degree night in Midtown, something that is otherwise unprecedented in all of our over-eighteen-years-of-age existences. Complete Christmas miracle if there ever was one. Thanks to everyone who supported, visited, and spread the word about Quartersnacks this past year. First person who points out the grape soda BGPs gets a free Quartersnacks tee shirt (when the second batch comes in, which should be relatively soon.) Somebody please buy Josh a set of white wheels for Christmas, the lime is really starting to offend everyone. He’s “dreaming of a white-wheeled Christmas.”

Features: Jason Lecras, Tyler Tufty, Connor Champion, Max Palmer, Dennis Feliciano, Josh Wilson, Jersey Dave, Shawn Powers, Matthew Mooney, Billy McFeely, Torey Goodall, Vladamir Kirilenko, Thando Beschta, DJ Roctakon, Ted Barrow, Ty Lyons, Emilio Cuilan, Gabe Tennen, Pad Dowd, Galen Dekemper, Miles Marquez, Alexander Mosley, Josh Velez, Andre Page, Kevin Tierney, Geo Moya, Isak Buan, some lil’ kids, Pryce Holmes.

Big thank you to the contributing filmers: Andre Page, Dennis Feliciano, Paul Young, Joe Bressler, Martin Wilson, Larry Bao, Paulgar.

What’s the song for the Christmas clip?
John Coltrane. Nothing too crazy.
That’s corny.
The last clip I made was to ‘Fly Like a G6,’ give me a break.

Here’s an external link to download the clip as an .M4V for iPhones and iPods. 147.8MB. YouTube version here.