Big Squid

Bronze’s Christmas mix will warm your heart and make you smile ♥ Maybe the funniest one yet. Shout out Lindsey Robertson’s Bagels. It was a good run.

Notable snow content is as follows, choose your player: Kyota Umeki, MITCH, Alexis Lacroix.

This final stretch of the year has typically meant there was some sort of QS winter getaway in the cards after New Year’s, but you know… pandemic, etc. Instead, let’s travel ~*VIRTUALLY*~ with these recent features… 1) Skate spots in the Swiss alps with Irregular, 2) The Cuban skate scene with Skateism, 3) Marble relics of the Soviet Union with Free.

Alexis Sablone has a two-hour (!) interview with The Bunt, along with a new one over on Monster Children.

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Alexis via Zered on the photo.

Alexis Sablone self-filmed, scored and edited her new part, which includes a switch varial heelflip that should be played on loop in the flip trick museum.

Not only is Skate Jawn one of the best longstanding American skate ‘zines, but they are also the principal torch-holders for the “video magazine” format that people of a certain age grew up with. Their 10yerr video feels like a spiritual sequel to Fiddy, though more specified in its episodes, with sections in Japan, Prague, extras from the Rust Belt Trap squad, etc.

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Time For GRoEth

Happy birthday Vert God ♥ Photo by Cole Giordano

Diego Donival’s new video, Potluck is premiering at Village East Cinemas this Wednesday, December 11. Showings at 7:45 & 8:45. Features parts from Kyota Umeki, Sully Corimer, Quinn Batley, Isaac White, Caleb Yuan, Marcello Campanello and Yaje Popson. Teaser here + flyer here.

Favorite thing from this past week? This 45-second Vincent Touz mix that Johnny Wilson posted on IG.

Jake Kuzyk’s new one is called “Kick Back,” and is effectively a sequel to Courtesy, except this time for Spitfire instead of Vans. Features most of the Alltimers team, Chris Milic, Diego Todd, Nick Michel, and Jed Anderson. Dustin’s three-trick line at the brick bank in downtown Vancouver is fire.

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Cracks & Crevices

Nah Yeah is an all Long Island video by Duran Murphy, which is a twenty-minute deep dive into a scene that we too often only associate with the most obvious names + an annual trip to the Rosyln Banks/pool. It’s also crazy how much a dude switching between éS, Etnies, Vans & Osiris in a single part stands out in 2019. Also, shout out to Mook.

A bit north and to the left, we have Concerned Citizen, a rad 15-minute video filmed all around upstate New York: Rochester, Elmira, Binghamton, Ithaca, et al. Noticed a lot of Homegrown tees and boards, so assuming they have something to do with it :) We really need to make it back up there next summer. “What the FUCK does ‘really’ mean?”

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Snow Day Links

There’s snow on the ground, and not a ton of links to recap from the past few days, but at least we get post-7 P.M. sunsets back on Sunday. Tiny victories.

Rest in Peace Dillon

New car and live with your parents, or move to New York and live in a basement apartment in Bushwick? Jesse Alba has a new interview / Day in the Life thing.

“For Heitor what’s funny is that we saw that he’d bought shit on the website so I hit him up and told him I could send him some clothes.” Like a brand? Looking for a sponsor? Buy their stuff (using your real name!) and maybe you’ll end up riding for them and getting your entire order refunded ;) Danny Brady has an interview over on Free about his current role as the Palace team manager.

Always stoked to see footage of this dude (he has the best line of 2019 thus far, based on QS office chalkboard rankings…), but didn’t really know much about him until now: Korahn Gayle is the latest guest on The Bunt.

Any Skate Perception alumni read QS? Ty Evans and some other camera nerds created a microphone that can be plugged into modern cameras to record sound that mimics the audio from the VX1000. 300 bucks and still only available for pre-order. (No, this isn’t a sponsored post. Just crazy that’s where skate video technology is at right now.)

Kyota went to L.A. for the first time, and spent his days at skateparks, and his nights downtown.

Monster Children has a photo feature with Brad Cromer skating around New York.

Austin Holcomb has an all-New York part from the Challers video playing over on TWS.

New video blog edit from Extra Crispy, pretty much a go-to resource for anything that goes on at L.E.S. Park.

Always fun to see people take New York skate filmmaking in a direction beyond just straight up skate clips. “{SLING]” is a short film directed by M.Fig.

No matter the decade, people are gonna keep ollieing off that slanted grey wall on Water Street. Geeked is a full-length video by Bernie Leonor that looks like it’s mostly filmed on a GoPro, all throughout the city.

This dude’s organs probably began to disintegrate as soon as he walked out, because I can’t imagine how bad the curse you get put under for stealing a cat from a bodega is. No wonder he returned it.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: D. Wade with maybe the wildest buzzer beater of the season, at home, and at his final career game against the Warriors.

Quote of the Week: “Heelies were so sick.” — Troy Silwell