Travel Tip: An Airbnb for seven dudes with one bathroom in Mexico is a bad idea.
Contrary to Instagram reports over the past week-and-a-half, the Banks are not *technically* open. A full section of the fence was down, and the DOT security booths were gone, but that section has since been put back up. Cops are still kicking people out (no tickets…yet), and claiming the space will soon re-open (also remember it was only supposed to be closed off until 2014, so, you know…) TWS caught up with R.B. Umali for a full status report, and a bit of new footage.
A bunch of Euro links for this Monday Links post…
Who would have thought that one of QS’ highest affinities for a non-New York skate crew would be out in Italy? Five-minute montage from the Milano Centrale boys, including #musicsupervision via Strap from Travis Porter, experimental pants supervision, and minimal tricks on objects over two feet in height.
Village Psychic threw together a remix of the extra-prolific “Sour Files” series, which has dominated the QS Top 10 perhaps more than any other single skate team.
A quick new one from Hjalte and the Blobbys.
/* end Euro links ;)
Always get a lil’ smile out of “Summer Trip to New York” edits that put the effort into skating midtown and SoHo, which seem to be antiquated routes in the L.E.S. + outer-borough dominant mindset of the past several years. The New York section in “Double Egg & Cheese” (begins at the 7 minute mark) is a fun watch.
Abada with some words on the enduring inspiration that is Mike York. (Related.)
They’re building a new skatepark at Van Courtlandt Park on 240th and Broadway. Also, it looks like they’re starting construction on the skatepark at Thomas Jefferson Park in East Harlem, with a projected March 2018 completion date.
Behind the scenes of Yaje’s Columbus Park polejam 5050 TWS cover.
Tennyson put together another 411 comp, this time for S.J. and Sean Mullendore.
Pete Spooner uploaded the New York montage from Insano.
Mike Blabac has a three-part series over on Slam City Skates’ blog about some of his favorite photos and the stories behind them.
A bit of new Anthony Correa footage in what is apparently a “VX Mode” on one of those Panasonic cameras.
Our bud Gianluca’s podcast “Skate Muzik” has a new episode with Jeff Pang.
Paul Coots started uploading single parts from BSA’s Whole Bitch video.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Who the hell would want to get a get a drink alongside somebody whose favorite basketball player is James Harden? Russ for MVP. Uninterested in any other arguments. Bye.
Quote of the Week:

File Under: When sports fans start sounding like skaters.