Jahmal Williams by Pep Kim for issue #21 of Vague Skate Mag. The Jahmal cover article isn’t online, but the issue is on sale now.
ICYMI: A Flushing grate N.B.D. that’s been speculated for years on end, a Lego piece between the two rails at the Williamsburg Bridge monument, and a wild one at Grant’s Tomb in Frankie Spears’ all-New York outing of X-Games Real Street.
Someone under the moniker “Froggery Jones” has been uploading anywhere from four-to-fourty second slices of any and all Brooklyn Banks footage on YouTube.
These go back to the 80s, and are not exclusively clips from R.B. Umali’s videos or old 411s; whoever Mr. Jones is, he’s digging deep. For example, nobody we’ve asked (ok, didn’t try that hard) has any idea where the footage of Quim and Mike Cardona below is from or what video that Peter Bici line was in. EDIT: Those are from R.B’s Instagram, but weren’t in Revisited 1 or 2.
I know I’ve seen that Mike Carroll frontside flip somewhere, same with the Rick Howard tre, but it was definitely with music, and even so, hard to put a finger on exactly where it was. (Literally spent 45 minutes researching which FTC video it was until admitting defeat. Well aware that the answer is going to end up being so obvious.)
Tennyson Corporation put together a Mike and Quim Cardona 411 remix video to tug at your heartstrings (that nollie shove, varial flip line…) Our NY Revisited remix of Quim’s clips still gets brought up as many people’s favorite piece of QS #content, and remains one of this website’s proudest moments — probably because there are few skaters as infectiously inspiring in their footage as Quim. Thanks man ♥
A couple new Puleo clips in this commercial for German Nieves’ company, Paterson.
“What if you’d been told, on the occasion of Fully Flared‘s premiere nigh ten years ago, that Anthony Pappalardo’s part would provide a primary guiding light for the shoe supplier’s next full-length video — would you have believed it?” Boil the Ocean reviews Lakai’s latest video.
“Is this like a Seinfeld thing, where there’s no story?” Trick link: Anthony Pappalardo interviews Gino Iannucci. Gino is also now on Instagram. Everyone caves. Except Max Palmer and Stuart Hammond.
Spot Updates — 1) Not sure how recent this is, but the Philly step(s) under the Williamsburg Bridge on the way to Alligator Ledge are no more. The school installed rails running down the middle of them. 2) Herearea couplephotos of the skatepark being built on 114th and 1st Avenue via neighborhood correspondent, Tron Jenkins. It is set to officially open in March of next year.
Quote of the Week: “If Pontus ever has a heart attack, I’m definitely sending my sponsor me tape to Frog.” — Hjalte Halberg
Thunder, lighting and snow, that’s a first for this lifetime. There’s even snow inside the train stations right now. If you happen to be blessed enough to not have work today, don’t go outside. Sit home and listen to the Can’t Ban the Snowman tape or something. Here are some links to pass the time for this Monday morning.
With boardgraphics getting all of the retrospectives, and printed-word love these days, wheel graphics are pretty much universally neglected. Here’s a quick guide as to when skate wheel art began, and ceased to, matter.
Someone asked Ian Reid if he could name “25 skateboarders who are actually from New York” on his Tumblr some time back. He returned with a very comprehensive answer.
Anthony Claravall offers some anecdotal nostalgia about the Cardona brothers, and what it was like filming their 411 “Wheels of Fortune” segment sixteen years ago.
You know things are slow down in Yahoo News International Headquarters when they can write five hundred words about the city installing fences and “No Skateboarding” signs at the Chinatown Banks. They quote Two Hawks Young though, which is sick. For those who don’t know, he was a crucial part to the greatest conceptual skateboard video of all time.
Anthony Beckner threw together the first batch of footage from the Below the Bridge Skatepark with the Classic Skate Shop crew. Conveniently enough, the park opens today, but even driving to Bayonne might be a bit too ambitious of an endeavor right now. The park looks slightly smaller than expected, and unfortunately doesn’t have the two different sections of street courses like Drop-In does (real estate, I know), but it would still be a good call for an off-hours winter session. Just maybe wait for the kids to get back to school.
While you complain on the internet, Roctakon is a humanitarian who supports Dominican skateboarders.
Rob Harris’ “Aussie Pressure” clip. The ending is brilliant.