‘Is It Obvious How Much We Love Each Other?’ — An Interview with Aaron Loreth

📝 Intro + Interview by Farran Golding
📷 Photography by Kris Burkhardt & Ryan Mettz

A sense of mystery is not a common facet of today’s professional skateboarder. However, many would be hard-pressed to say much about Aaron Loreth beyond his well-documented attention towards tight transitions and brick manual pads. With his tall figure and light touch, there’s an ethereal feel to Loreth’s skating that furthers the intrigue.

Following our conversation about West Park, the brains of Limosine’s business operation continued to satisfy curiosity by discussing cultivating a career in his hometown of Ventura, California, his day job at Hockey and co-owning a brand with Cyrus Bennett and Max Palmer — a decade on from their halcyon days when Loreth would sleep on their floor during trips to New York.

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A Bad Ledge & A Plate of Salmon

Adjacency Bias, the Pacific-Northwest skate scene platform, has a new video series examining the opportunities / history created by un-used tennis courts that later become skate spots, called “The Courts.” The first episode is about Portland, Oregon’s court spot.

Nelly Morville made an iPhone edit of a Limo trip to Montreal + more. Fingers crossed Nelly’s YouTube page takes the [dormant] torch from Foghornleghorn for iPhone edits from this crew.

“Antonio Durao’s most recent challenge to skating’s understood limitations suggests a new frontier for the wallride grind, though probably one that requires a certain amount of extradimensional thinking.” Boil the Ocean pontificates on a Ben Colen photo of Antonio where he is smith grinding but also …wallriding 🧠

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President Nelly Morville & The Honorable Max Palmer Star in Limosine’s ‘8’ Video

For all the things to love about Limosine, the fact they have completely upended any of our built-in expectations about what is included in a “new drop” edit is among the most underrated. Usually, when companies throw an edit out to announce new gear (note, we are leaving full-length videos that also coincide with a few new SKUs in a brand’s webstore out of the equation here), it’s the in-between B-roll. The warm-ups. The shit leftover from trying the “serious” tricks that get saved for BIG VIDEO.

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Private Shredquity

QS x Cons Available March 1 🏀

Vague has a premiere of Brian Powderly’s Static 6 part. Ollieing into that smudge of asphalt on the other side of the Ridgewood Reservoir spot is, as they say, ~completely unhinged~.

Vague also sat down for an extended video chat with three of the principal filmers behind the Static series to talk all the things that skate videographers talk about 🧠

Another Vague link?! Yes, another Vague link: they interviewed Hopps teamrrider and QS office favorite, Kyler Garrison.

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