Shoutout Pluto

Photo by Greg Navarro

It is impossible to overstate what a joy it is to watch John Gardner’s “Shoutout Earth” raw files. From the close calls, to the spot selection, to his general ability to use his superpowers to do the type of shit that only Jawn Gardner could do — raw files get dropped out of a literal waterfall these days, but this one is a special watch ❤️ (John’s QS interview from 2017 is still a favorite.)

Love a homie video that ends with a …bar fight :) Rock Bottom II by Reilly Schlitt is a very fun watch. Entirely filmed in New York, heavy on the downtown Brooklyn spots, smiles all around.

Andrew Reynolds spoke to Village Psychic about the politics of having a signature trick.

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The Best Skate Videos & Parts of 2021 — QS Readers Poll Results

Illustration by Cosme Studio
Ballot Count by 4Ply Magazine

The votes are in, the ballots are tallied, the blurbs by writer friends from the internet are written, and our annual exercise of trying to combat content fatigue and fried attention spans is live.

For anybody uninitiated: back in 2019, we asked QS visitors for the five parts and videos from the 2010s that they would bury in a capsule under the earth for future inhabitants to reference once all other evidence of skateboarding had been erased. In 2020, we adapted this concept to encapsulate one year. And here we are in 2021, with the results of the same excerise.

No commentary for the full-lengths or 20-11 ranked parts. Special thank you to all the writers that took the time to share some words about their favorites. (Lol that the order for the 4-1 writers is the same this year as last. Total coincidence.) Major shout out to Pete at 4Ply Magazine for compiling all the data.

If you are just joining us, this ranking was voted on by QS readers from November 29th to December 3rd.

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Old Spots, New Bondo, Same Friends

Is there any chance you haven’t seen Tenzin’s nollie bigspin heelflip yet? Top 3 Tompkins trick all-time, no hyperbole. Don’t even know what the other two are, just that this is definitely in there ♥

Skate Like A Girl is hosting a silent auction fundraiser that you should definitely support. Bid on everything from #hype sneakers to gear from local brands, with all proceeds going to a great cause.

Who thought an opener part to that Weeknd song from all the memes could hit this hard? Pete Spooner’s New York / Minneapolis / Los Angeles -based Various Artists video extols the synergy of working for an airline while making skate videos on the side, and is now playing up on Free in full. (They’re big fans of Zach Moore’s recent comedy work as well.) Ender part from Jeremy Murray is fire.

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Wood & Plants & Oceans

Just make the next one Tyshawn Jones Pro Skater. Photo via Atiba.

“I just saw myself as a homie who was helping another homie. That was not something that ever crossed my mind like, ‘Am I good at this?’ Both of us are happy in that moment.” Jenkem has an amazing interview with Briana King about her meet-ups for girls and LGBTQ youth learning to skateboard.

“I think you really got to listen to your feeling. Don’t go for the show. Go for your heart.” Lucas Puig on relationships, wood, plants, oceans and not having his johnson fall out when he’s skating in shorts — also for Jenkem, also inspiring. Maybe it’s time we start working on a sequel to the “Poolside” remix

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Summer 2k19 4ever

Photo via Stafhon

#SaveTompkins in The New York Times. Sign and share the petition to keep synthetic turf off the courts at Tompkins.

The JHAKX video from Takeshi Nagamatsu has a New York section to start it off, plus a lot of familiar faces. It’s funny to see the metal strips across the Cooper Union bank get defeated one at a time over the years.

Pleasure” is a 20-minute NJ/NYC/Philly video by Hugh O’Hare, and “Don’t Smoke That Wood In Here” is a 10-minute NJ/NYC/Philly video by the Lottery Boiz. Shout out to the enduring badness of bust-free ledges in the greater New York metropolitan area, which causes all of us to still drive out to Staten Island to skate P.S. 6…in 2019. Also, of course skaters wasted no time editing something to Young Thug’s late summer beach anthem, but tbh, “went from boogie board shorty and now I’m the big kahuna” is a lot to live up to.

#Mandatorypost of #TylerTuftycontent for our core readership.

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