‘Utah, Get Me Two!’ — Andrew Allen’s Movie Matinee

🔑 Interview, Intro & Video Production by Farran Golding

Andrew Allen is practically a longstanding field of study at QS. A few years back he spoke at length about L.A. High for our “Favorite Spot” series, which was followed by a written appendix of other bank spots he has frequented. However, recurring spots are just one aspect in an output with many layers.

Although Allen’s appreciation for Kathryn Bigelow’s surf-action-heist movie, Point Break, is widely recognized, there’s an intertextuality of movie nods spanning the last decade of Allen’s career in the form of video parts, music supervision, board graphics and even a cardigan worn by Ray Liotta.

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Welcome To The Ranks

QS webstore deals continue into Cyber Monday baby! 🛍 Got kicks for under $50, some tees left, beanies, caps, etc. Thanks for the support as always :) $5 flat-rate shipping within the U.S.

Triple or Nothing, Jeff Cecere‘s sequel to This Is A Window and Mind How You Go, is premiering at The Woods (where else?) on Saturday, December 14th @ 8 P.M. Dedicated to Max Maffucci ❤️ Full teaser for the video here + full flyer here.

Do Less did a 14-minute video profile of Jenkem with Ian, talking about the history of the company, the pre-Instagram era, and how the North Star of starting anything on your own is finding what’s missing from the perspective of a fan, which is great advice for any discipline.

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Some Dump on Seigel Street

Kevin Rodrigues by Alex Pires • 2016

Another Tompkins Construction Date Change: The park is now being closed off for renovations and re-asphalting on Monday, October 2nd, exactly one week from today. (And the deli across the street isn’t even a deli anymore, as of a few days ago: they got rid of the entire counter for a mini smoke shop. No more sandwiches, grill or smoothies. End of an era.)

“Mainstream skateboarding finally caught on to the fact that when you’re driving to the spot, you’re passing all this other stuff that’s so much more interesting. Stuff people can skate more creatively. And you can make a far more interesting skate video by focusing on that.” New Zealand’s Manual magazine caught up with Josh Stewart to talk about putting himself through another Static video.

“BURNT” is the latest montage by Christian Kerr, featuring the continued evolution of Gabe Tennen’s tech-lord career arc, and the return of the Duane Reade benches.

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Playoff Jimmy

Jaime Reyes at the Banks 9, via Thrasher‘s Banks retrospective from 2020 • 📷 Photo by Reda. Photo looks 2001ish?

The Blue Couch crew is back with a four-minute refresher edit featuring a solid batch of clips from Noe Horiwaki, Mecca Mshaka-Morris, Caleb Yuan, Zac Negron and Carlos Canter. Ender at the 125th Street banks is 🔥

Probably the heaviest Duplex edit to date: “Low Rent — Episode 2” is now live on Thrasher, with a hall of fame nollie backside flip from Jace that they don’t even save for the ender 😲

After a five-month hiatus and Lindsey Robertson’s Bagels long out of business, Bronze 56k has returned with a new radio mix.

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