The Best Skate Videos & Parts of 2022 — QS Readers Poll Results

Illustration by Cosme Studio
Ballot Count by 4Ply Magazine

It seems that the impossible has happened: we’ve tallied a QS Readers Poll, and there’s no Tom Knox in sight 😲😲😲

All jokes aside, beyond light output from Mr. Knox in 2022, this is perhaps the year that the multiple part approach wielded by S.O.T.Y. hopefuls began to adapt itself to people’s recollections of the past twelve months. Whereas in past years, when multiple releases tended to split the vote in clear favor of one over another, 50% of this year’s Top 20 parts are from the same five people.

Also worth noting that the point spread between slot #14 and slot #10 for single parts was four points. Maybe we introduce a runoff feature next year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The #1 video was a landslide.

If you are just joining us, this ranking was voted on by QS readers from December 5th to December 9th ✨

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Nothing But A Mission

Action Shot by Zach Baker

It’s a [belated] Christmas Miracle! 🎄 Will spare you another disclaimer about supply chain delays, but “Fall / Holiday” QS merch is arriving at shops in the U.S. now! Travel got it! Labor got it! Everyone’s getting it! Europe soon! Japan soon! U.K. now! Webstore January 7! If you want 35% off on anything that’s left in there, use promo code lastcall at checkout. Thanks for supporting your local skate site! ❤️

In 2021, Joey O’Brien won by 28 points. In 2020, Tom Knox won by a whopping 534 points. The inverse is true with full lengths. In 2020, Cons’ Seize the Seconds video won by just 18 points over FA’s Dancing On Thin Ice. In 2021, The Reuben won by a sizable 174 points.” 4Ply Mag, the official statisticians behind the QS Readers Poll, wrote a deep-dive on the methodology and breakdown of how the votes got tallied 📊

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Midtown Sundays, Museum Mondays

Antonio via Paul Coots. The footage of this one was in the 2018 “End of Summer” edit, but felt worth reminding everyone how insane it was. This photo does it great justice ♥ Just observe the height ;)

Jawn Gardner uses his gifts to do what nobody else can in an incredible new Earth Day part. The line at CBS is maybe the most third-eye-open choreography that place has ever seen.

What an amazing idea for a feature… “‘Perfect Days’ will interview familiar faces in the Boston and Northeast scene, and pose them with the simple question: what was one of your favorite sessions ever?” The Orchard Skate Shop blog is following the footsteps of the Slam City Skates blog in creating good, old-fashioned web content outside the Insta-sphere. Kevin Coakley is the inaugural edition. (Fwiw, all-time favorite skate day around here is probably Yume Farm with *literally everybody* in fall 2018 ♥)

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‘The Fundamentals Of Skating Are In A Video Part’ – An Interview With Gilbert Crockett

Interview & Video Edit by Farran Golding
Collages by Requiem For A Screen
Original Photography by Anthony Acosta

Even in the avalanche of daily skate videos, you can always distinguish the parts that had a little more tact put behind them from the ones that are footage dumps. Gilbert Crockett has been releasing thoughtful video parts for over a decade — many of which are largely filmed in his hometown of Richmond, Virginia by childhood friend, Will Rosenstock — and all of them are distinguishable from one another.

Having just opened up Greg Hunt’s Alright Ok for skateboarding’s de facto Oscars season, we had Farran reach out to Gilbert to speak on his process, and how it all works, often without having to go very far.

We also have a special bonus video of Gilbert’s footage from SunTrust and the surrounding downtown Richmond spots with commentary, all courtesy of Will’s archive ♥

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