Thanks to everyone who grabbed something off the webstore sale last week. Should be caught up on shipping by end of today
The NPR Story on the A.V.E. bench spills a bit of the secret on how the bench got to Richmond, Virginia at the end, straight from…the Temple University police. Bravo to skateboarders, for always figuring it out. If you aren’t already aware, @ave_bench on Instagram has been tracking the world tour at every turn.
Early this summer, Hulu released a Rick James documentary — a tour de force that I cannot recommend highly enough. In addition to the “trip the fuck out” moment of James being in a band with Neil Young, the film features a number of “reenactments” using 3D computer animation. These reenactments depict some really wild shit, including, yes, a coke-fueled orgy.
You know — what summer 2021 was supposed to have been!
Boil the Ocean offers up some reflections on Knowing Mixtape Volume 2, as does Canada’s King Shit magazine. Agree that “every single clip is extraordinary in some way.” Three-and-a-half years of filming for a 17-minute video has a way of doing that — even the bails they put in there stand out in a very particular way that other videos can’t pull off. Also! Tiago for S.O.T.Y. every year until they give it to him.
This upload is from August, but only catching it now: “Fasuad” is a fun homie video by Marc Pascua. It’s all filmed around the city with some cameos from Mark Suciu, Frankie Spears, et al., and edited to a song that they would play at the healing crystal and plants store by T.F.
Jahmal Williams footage and probably the last clips you’ll ever see of the CBS keyhole ledge in “Initiation,” a two-minute clip from Theories to kick off the spring.
Village Psychic follows up on the Stefan Janoski episode of The Bunt to consider the “Hovercraft” / a over tailslide (?) / booger tailslide (?), a trick that would be best left to the spirit of Darrell Stanton.
“Freed of past eras’ smallmindedness that shackled hive-minded bros to goofy-boy kits in the early 1990s or carcass hucking in the early 2000s, a supposed ‘anything goes’ renaissance over the past decade has freed pros and bros alike to pursue moves from retroactivated no-complies to multisyllabic ledge combos and horse pools, wearing fits that run from short shorts to graphical sweatpant products to Tuscan leather. Just as long as you did it on a board that was at least eight inches wide.”
Thank you to everyone who purchased something from the webstore last week. We should be wrapping up with shipping orders next two days. If you haven’t received a shipping notification by Wednesday [to the email you ordered with], feel free to shoot us a message. Still some stuff left on there, and as always, at your local skate shop.
“Nobody’s Alley” might be the best LurkNYC video to date. Still with the VHS cam and a majority of footage in midtown and lower Manhattan. Although varial flips have been the “coming back” for half-a-decade now, between the ones in this video and Antoine’s in the Dime Vid, they might have entered a new dimension of 21st century form.
Something heartwarming about seeing Beer Bar footage in a 2016 skateboard video. Zach Moore’s Transplants part is now live, with a second-to-last trick at the place we wasted substantial early teenage years at :'(
This might be months old “news,” considering that with a heightened Columbus Circle bust, midtown motivation has been tough without some semblance of a safe bet, but the C-list midtown chain and pillar spot across from the Lipstick Building is no more.