Comfort Station

jake johnson wallride

Who wins the battle of most insane thing accomplished on a skateboard for the past week — Jake Johnson (above) or Dane Burman for 5050ing the Philadelphia Municipal Services rail? (As a result of those two, one of the crazier bluntslides in recent history may have unfortunately been overshadowed.)

Though it doesn’t have the particular Montreal trick in question, the new GX1000 montage has a good bit of Jake Johnson footage from Montreal.

Copenhagen seems like a good time.

Small Wheels has a short, entirely New York-set welcome video for Aaron Herrington. (Still tough to spell that with an “E” instead of an “A” given memories of a guy who spells his name with the latter.) Also, while (somewhat) on the topic of Polar, their section in Grey Area is nostalgic in a EE3 sort of way and generally awesome.

On Golden Pond 2 is a 20-minute homie video, mostly filmed in New York.

With winter midtown season fast approaching, here’s a chill black and white gallery of the DQM team on a high ISO session.

Some footage of dudes skating a bank spot that people began venturing out to in 2011, but in 1993 though

How long until someone 5050s this new traffic sculpture in Park Slope?

Watermelon Alex and Belief Skate Shop are hosting a best trick contest at the Astoria Park next Saturday, November 2nd.

Speaking of Belief, their 2013 video, Ever Upward, is on Vimeo in its entirety.

The good news: Someone up there likes skateboarding, because the Chase two up, five down has been remodeled into exactly what it once was. The bad news: The building has been sold to a Chinese company, with “plans to expand and enhance the retail space at the base of the building,” so it may soon become a bust.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Tyler Hansbrough was about to bring Psycho T out, until he realized who was behind him

Quote of the Week: “Maroon 5 has a hood pass.” — Ty Lyons

Slow news week. You’ve seen all this stuff before. OMG :(

Lost Chips on Lakers, Gassed Off Dwight

freezer modelos

Monday links for another hot — but not as hot — week.

Billy Rohan tests out the usability of Citibikes on New York’s most popular skate spots. Too bad no one rolled into the actual Courthouse Drop on one…

The only review of the new Jay-Z album you need to hear.

With some 58,000+ signatures and proper organization, skateboarders have, at the very least, delayed the reconstruction of the legendary South Bank spot in London. The group behind the the preservation has applied to grant the space “village green” status, which protects historic places for sports and pasttimes. Meanwhile, the Small Banks are a rotting carcass of bricks, dust and heroin needles.

Luis Tolentino confirms that his pop comes from eating bricks, and skates around New York’s biggest borough with Rodney Torres and the legendary Rob Campbell.

With Outdated behind us, Elijah Cole insisting that the Cathode video is coming out “next month” is the new Kevin Tierney insisting that J.P’s video is coming out “next month.” Anyway, new here’s a new promo for Cathode.

UXA has an upcoming video with Eli Reed, which co-stars Fat Johnny, the author of arguably the greatest “Quote of the Week” in QS history. Check the teaser here.

Gavin Nolan with a minute-long line in the new Jenkins Log clip.

Chrome Ball has been going out with a bang by posting a new interview each day. Marc Johnson’s is likely the best of the bunch, and confirms some of the speculation that went around why certain people weren’t as prevalent in Pretty Sweet as we had hoped. Good to hear his “lost” Tilt Mode goof-around part from the Bag of Suck-era has been found, considering the somewhat goofy Man Down part is his best.

A Mike Heikkila cruiser part filmed weeks after breaking both arms.

Stephen McClintock put together an artsy Super 8 video for DQM featuring a bunch of familiar faces. NY-based skate shops love Super 8.

I woke up in a new Bugatti.

Galen Dekemper offers some thoughts on the life and demise of 12th & A.

Reda and Zered hit up the Feast of St. Anthony.

Quote of the Week: “I feel like people who drive Smart Cars do, like, smart-ass shit.” — E.J. upon seeing a Smart Car weave between two construction cones

Last but not least: Nobody makes a tampon commercial quite like the Russians.

Linkz N Hood Chek


B.C.C.B.G.Ps: Boot Camp Click Background Props. Photo by Brendan Carroll.

Never saw this before: The story behind the famous photo of Gonz at Alcatraz. If “music is fifty-percent of the video part,” then the spot is fifty-percent of the photo.

R.I.P. Drop-In Skatepark. Thanks for the memories.

As a follow-up to Friday’s William Phan post, here are two random GoPro clips found floating around on Vimeo. Nothing too exciting, but some display of the aforementioned flip trick abilities. Re-edit eventually?

Noted Park Slope rib spot, Pork Slope, put together a cruiser video with In4mation. Go skate the nearby pop-over ledge, and then enjoy some ribs and a beer.

Three Up Three Down (the New York version) is the chillest.

An incredible story about battling to skateboard in Buffalo and battling brain cancer.

Boil the Ocean continues with the common “skate industry = high school” analogy to explain how the ex-Blueprint rider offshoot and the actual Blueprint 2.0 reboot is like a broken up couple showing up to prom with new dates. Or something.

In light of Google Video’s demise, Peter re-uploaded Flipmode 3: The First Flipmode Video to YouTube. Enjoy a wonderful look back at the finest NY-based little kid video of its time, and the second best film of 2006. Free Billy Lynch.

Wait, so Mike Carroll and Lee Smith wear all the clothes at DQM before they get put on the rack? Weird.

Spot Updates: 1) Thanks to some awful asphalt work on behalf of the Parks Department, the entire T.F. is now covered in small pebbles due to one crack they filled in. It does however, now have a metal-less wallie box. 2) The city approved the construction of an AIDS memorial on the triangle at 7th Avenue and 12th Street / where the St. Vincent’s Bank is. Get your tricks in while you can. At least they’re not turning the triangle into a Duane Reade or another all-glass high-rise…

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Dirk’s game winner against the Bulls. Can you guys please make the playoffs instead of the Lakers? Thanks.

Quote of the Week: “Yo this dude is dressed like he just saw Fight Club.” — T-Bird

This Vine thing seems like a lot of work, but we’re on there now.

Gah Y’all Some Broke Boys

gino iannucci backside noseblunt

Gino Iannucci – Backside Noseblunt. Photo stolen from the DQM Tumblr page. Long Islanders in black and white headline “Monday Links” posts two weeks in a row.

The QS web store is re-stocked with black and white Snackman tees in all sizes.

Boil the Ocean on DGK’s Parental Advisory video “picking up where the Menace video that would never come left off in Trilogy.”

Adidas just won the “Summer Trip to New York” web clip game with their August 2012 venture. It includes Busenitz, Lucas Puig, Jake Donnelly (with the best crusty ledge back smith since Anthony Correa), and Pete Eldridge giving tobacco companies their best advertising in years with an awesome late-night Sixth Avenue line. In an unexpected turn of events, Mark Suciu even figured out a new way to skate the Courthouse. It would be nice to see a full-length video from this roster.

Matt Mooney owns a computer again and he put together a Tompkins / Autumn / 12th & A clip, largely filmed while seated at the comfort of the T.F. bench.

Tompkins Square Park: Circa 1991.

Harry Corrigan, the creator of Film Me and Goin’ Ham’ has a new video due out early 2013. Belief Skate Shop out in Astoria also has a video due in January.

Are televisions as skate spots (see here or here) officially on #trendwatch2013? Now spotted in this Alex Duke Brooklyn cruiser clip.

Zered Bassett and friends escape from New York to skate L.A. Nice “shut the studio down” reference, Joey Brezinski.

Japanese “Summer Trip to New York” clip with a Roctakon cameo.

“Tom Penny, when he loses his mind, he starts talking about Wu-Tang. Billy Rohan, when he loses his mind, he starts talking about Wu-Tang.” ESPN has a article about how skateboarders love Wu-Tang that perhaps unintentionally hints at how many have cocooned themselves away from rap music released since Liquid Swords. Skateboarding/Wu-Tang is an interesting subject that could be explored in greater depth than “skaters like raw shit!” i.e. Wu-Tang was actually once a skate company or Gino (in general.) And for the record, pretty sure a bunch of us yelled at someone for cutting off Dreamchasers at House of Vans last year so they could hear 36 Chambers for the billionth time. (Forever > 36 Chambers. Frat boys ruined 36.)

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Ricky Rubio back!

Quote of the Week: “I’m the Turkish Darren Harper.” — Guy Riza

So what’s better: Parental Advisory or Pretty Sweet? Rodrigo TX might have the best part between the two videos…

Hurricane Sandy Links

Rest in Peace Reggie Destin. Reggie’s friends are continuing their fundraiser to cover hospital costs and services. Sam McGuire and Joe Hammeke, two midwest-based photographers, are selling prints of skate photos for the same cause. (This shot of a back tail on the Sundial Ledges in Chicago is great.) Our friend Martin Davis is also printing a run of the original Push Skateshop tees to raise money.

Austyn Gillette and friends skating around New York in this last minute (and extremely saturated) entry to the “Summer in New York” clip cycle.

Skateboarder posted an interview with Chris Keefe about DQM’s collaboration with Cliché. It includes a bunch of photos by Jonathan Mehring.

Whoa, a Corey Rubin sighting AND a Loose Trucks Max sighting in the same clip?

Some young kids shredding cutty spots. Anyone born post-1990 and still skating the best material / worst ground State Building ledge gets extra points.

Blacking out on 4Loko (#trendwatch2009?), and Luis Tolentino and Rob Gonyon skating those two skateparks in Queens.

A lifestyley clip of skating in Harlem, unsurprisingly set to Big L. At first, it seemed appropriate to point skateboarders in the direction of this Rap & R&B section on the “People from Harlem” Wikipedia page, but it doesn’t include Charly Wingate (or G. Dep), so consider it useless.

The Skateboard Mag re-posted a New York article with the Stereo team from 2009.

Our friend Stephen McClintock’s photo show, “Happiness is Expensive,” is supposed to have its closing reception tonight from 6 to 10 P.M. Click here for the flyer. As you could imagine, it is weather-dependent. Todd Jordan interviewed him over on The Heavy Mental.

The NBA season starts back up tomorrow. James “I Disappeared from the 2012 Finals” Harden got traded to the Houston Rockets, thus ending any sort of QS Sports Desk pipe dream scenario where the Bulls amnesty Carlos Boozer and somehow end up with Harden, or Oklahoma extends Harden’s contract and trades Westbrook for a guard who actually passes to the best scorer in the NBA (ideally Rondo, but you know, these are mere fantasies.) Brace yourself for a sportswriter’s dream / New York fan’s nightmare of a Lakers-Heat Final. In other news, 50% of the Knicks roster is already hurt, and Jeremy Evans had the best play of the pre-season.

Quote of the Week: “It’s fun…as opposed to boring.” — Torey Goodall

Good luck with this Hurricane Sandy mess. Here’s our “Ten Hurricanes Better Than Hurricane Irene” post from last year, which could easily be re-applied to Sandy.