Ain’t Nobody’s Business

Anthony Pappalardo — 5050 in the rain. Stolen from the Skateboarder Daily Film Blog.

The new DGK video, Parental Advisory, will be premiering this Thursday, December 13, at Sunshine Cinemas on Houston and Forsyth (same place as the Pretty Sweet premiere.) Click here for the flyer and more info. There will be a 7 P.M. and a 9 P.M. showing. Be sure to RSVP via the address in the flyer.

This line is in the extras when you buy the Pretty Sweet DVD. Noseslides! takes a break from pornography and weighs in on the controversial 2012 Thrasher Skater of the Year selection. Funny how people are in such an uproar over something that obviously favors those involved with Thrasher-created content.

Long Island’s most beloved child star, Billy Lynch, has been blessed with a tribute remix to the sounds of Shyne’s first album. All of the footage is 2006-ish.

While on the topic of the Island, here is Steve Plati’s part from Island Music, a new video filmed entirely in Long Island.

Some outtake footage from the crew behind Outddated and Twomanji, and some outtake footage from the crew behind the Space Heater video.

A bunch of promos for upcoming videos went online recently, so let’s group them together. “Schleyer Video” features Tyshawn Jones, James “King of the Grate” Reres and others. Battylife is a video by Sam Fickinger that will be premiering at the end of the month. Cathode is a video featuring Elijah Cole, Bill Pierce and others.

Chanel griptape is real. Very real.

Spot Updates: 1) The FedEx stairs are under scaffolding…again. 2) Aficionados of bad spots might enjoy these recently liberated bank things across from the pedestrian entrance on the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge.

There’s some shit video of Jason Lee cruising around New York on one of those vinyl cruisers online now. This is one of the comments on it: “Lol for some reason, the soles of my feet hurt everytime I get off a cruiser, possibly due to them being constantly arched to stay on the board?” …wow. Anyway, go watch A Visual Sound.

Rihanna: Forever our favorite garbage Tumblr girl in the body of a pop star. It ain’t nobody’s business! #SUPREMEbitch

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: How have MSG commentators not began calling J.R. Smith and Steve Novak “Money Train” yet? Anyway, J.R’s game winner against the Bobcats was chill.

Quote of the Week: “What are all these white people doing here? This ain’t the line for the Blink 182 concert.” — Overheard at the 2 Chainz show on Saturday

The YouTube re-design sucks. Have a good week.


  1. what good with those Outdated/Bronze/twomanji kids they all white thinkin they black

  2. Tru New York Skater whats good with your 3 videos that you dropped this year too? There might be a correlation. If they thought Hisidic there’d be no Saturday footage nahmean?

  3. Yo Tru new york skater .sean powers dosent think he’s black, he knows he is half puerto rican. Phil rodriguez half columbian, and half hippie. kevin tierney is super white like a dinner plate. joe delgado is fuckin mayan . Rob gonyon just wants to fuck black girls. Peter that makes the video is so far from attempting to be black its call ironic sarcasm. Billy mcfeely is a yoga master knowledgable grown man. If your talking about pat murray he is black.

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