Drake is in Retrograde

bk newsstand

Photo via Brian Kelley on Instagram

Frozen in Carbonite puts young Americans’ declining interest in automobiles into consideration while making the case for the Honda Civic being the archetypical skate car. “The mountains of cash that pros collected during the late 90s shoe/board sale boom sounded the death knell for the Civic, as dudes could now afford luxury automobiles. The Muskalade in Feedback was the tipping point here, followed by Kalis’ infamous BMW. This trend culminated in Jereme Rogers’ Aston Martin, the repossession of which symbolized the current industry contraction.” R.I.P. Skate cars.

You guys can all stop posting Instagram videos now, because there will never be anything this good on the skateboard-themed corner of the the ‘Gram ever again. O.T.T. posts way more on Vine anyway. R.I.P. Instagram Video.

Zombie movie-themed New York skateboarding from the mid-90s. R.I.P. BAM.

Here are volumes 200 and 201 of the Beef Patty crew’s video blog series, here’s volume eight of throwaways from the Death Video crew, and here is volume six of Billy Rohan’s “Illumignarly” craze cam series.

Waters and Army found a new teamrider from E-Block, who does one of the more impressive J. Kwon lines ever (that’s saying a lot…), and then stops by New York for a few more impressive maneuvers.

“Dweeb,” the new mini video from the time travelers that brought you “Twomanji,” lets us know that Billy McFeely’s Solo Jazz part was actually filmed in 1994, and later re-filmed in 2013.

As the season for “Summer Trip to New York” clips begins to wind down, some Australians come through with a clip of their northeast corridor-spanning vacation, which contains a few good nollie back heels and frontside flips.

Does this have anything to do with the fact that skateboarders typically don’t learn how to skateboard in the middle of a major city street?

There’s something reassuring in knowing that George Clooney uses the word “dude.”

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: This happening in Miami and not at an away game made it so much sweeter.

Quote of the Week: “You’re the first person to ever walk out of this building holding a book.” — Pookie to T-Bird regarding 21 Spring Street. Also, FYI 4 da ladies.

Enter the 36 Chambers turned twenty this past weekend. Now would be a good time to stop making Wu-Tang “parody” logos and editing skate clips to songs off it.

New Year’s Eve Links


Philadelphia is on the verge of having to close 37 public schools. It’s a good thing Philly’s City Council spends time on real issues like raising skateboard-related fines.

Pappalardo’s eight seconds of footage in the Pretty Sweet bonus features.

The end-of-the-year issue of The NYT Magazine has a feature on influential people who passed away in 2012. One of them profiles Larry Stevenson, who invented kicktails on modern skateboards, and is thus responsible for every big flip in Pretty Sweet and every crooked grind combo in Parental Advisory.

Speaking of Pretty Sweet, Manolo Tapes put together a funny, all lifestyle rendition of the video entitled Pretty Soft. The magic of editing…

Joe Cups put together a Super-8 / VHS New York video of this past summer that features many names from the Lurkers franchise.

This James Pitonyak part is gnarly. He destroys just about every spot in Trenton.

The first, all Mini DV installment of the Death Video series. Not to be confused with Death Skateboards; it’s just a bunch of kids ripping around the city and indulging confrontation with security more than they probably should.

An iPhone Christmas clip from the young’ns.

Brian Brown and the 2nd Nature crew ripping around Westchester and Connecticut.

ICYMI: Billy McFeely in Outdated, Jason Carroll in Outdated, Forrest Edwards in Wild Power, and Ben Kadow in Mama’s Boys.

Matt Mooney put his abundance of free time into creating a Seinfeld Tumblr.

Spot Updates: Rolls-Royce is surrounded by scaffolding.

QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: Darren Collison’s buzzer-beating, overtime-forcing desperation three v.s. Oklahoma City. J.R’s buzzer-beater v.s. the Suns was a leading candidate, but all Knicks plays from the past week got disqualified based on how hard they blew it against the Kings on Friday.

Quote of the Week:

hsu skate videos

— Via the Skateboarder Tumblr. Not sure of its origins or how old it is. Solid analogy.

Happy New Year.

Obama For Mankind, We Ready For Damn Change, So Let the Man Shine

Can we get this stupid election over with? And preferably not elect a psycho? Put on for your country.

This is the best skate-related thing to go online in 2012: “Here’s to Feeling Good All the Time.” John McGuire does a wonderful Kramer homage in tune with the hair, outfits and mannerisms. While a lesser fan would have just looped the theme song, the geniuses behind this clip dug deep for the background music that was used in the scene where Kramer and Newman make their own sausages. Be on the look out for David Puddy’s 8ball jacket and a quick Death Blow teaser. “All signs point to yes!”

The most anticipated avant-Galen film event of the year: “Free Buzz.”

Another Loose Trucks Max sighting in this new teaser for Mama’s Boys, a video that Galen has been patiently waiting for.

Black Dave’s new video for “On Da Map.” Sick Power Rangers pillowcase. Chicken!?!

Should we place 540 tricks on the list for #trendwatch2013?

Another round of Death Video throwaways. Shame about that manual pad on 92nd.

More Spaniards being better at skating ledges and having better-looking flat tricks than any other country’s skater population. Back when ampersand tees had their “moment” in the mid-2000s, did anyone ever make a Jesus & Javier & Lebron shirt?

Two parts from Lawrence Ekin’s Washington DC-based video, Here and There that have a good bit of New York footage: Zach Moore and Michael Bruch.

Slap is returning to print for a special ad-free edition to commemorate its 20th anniversary. How is everyone supposed to complain about skate-related minutiae on a bunch of stapled-together pieces of paper though?

Spot Updates: 1) The building mounted chairs in the landing space for the frontside for regular three-stair ledge at “the grey ledge spot.” Going to be tough to skate now. 2) The rail is back on the backside for regular side of the FedEx six-stair ledge.

Quote Tweet of the Week:

The QS Sports Desk’s Play of the Week: Rasheed Wallace AKA “The Walking Onion Headline” AKA the Black Scalabrine’s first basket as a Knick.

Don’t forget, NJ Skateshop is holding a clothing drive for those in New Jersey whose homes were displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Help if you can.

Brand New Bugatti, Still Pumping 87 Unleaded

Dominican Vanna White.” Photo by Emilio Cuilan.

QS Snackman tees are now available at Supreme. 274 Lafayette Street. Both in white and black. Sorry, no smalls. Medium, large and XL only.

Another round of mostly Manhattan-set Death Video throwaways.

Fred Gall, Jahmal Williams, Ricky Oyola and Joel Meinholz went into the woods of New England for Labor Day with a bunch of guns and somehow, no accidents happened. The photo of Oyola shooting a gun will probably be Photoshopped a million different ways and re-posted all over Slap and Tumblr by the end of the week.

Torey Pudwill skates his first cellar door. It’s for Red Bull, so there’s some jock narration in there. The bump to smith grind and the flatground backside flip on the bike path are tight though. Cameos from Zered Bassett and Quentin Tolentino.

Well, it’s safe to say that every fifteen-to-eighteen-year-old who hangs out at Tompkins is screwed. “Regular use of marijuana during adolescence can lead to irreversible IQ loss, findings from a long-range study suggest.”

If I could have two skateboards in the history of skateboards, they would be the the 1996 Keenan Milton Chocolate Knicks game deck, and Andre Page’s War Effort pro model.

Have you guys seen Matt Mooney’s runway debut yet? #NYFW2012

Here’s a chill .GIF of almost naked girls holding QS shirts up. Go buy one.

If you need a stock photo for a pamphlet that warns kids about gangs, you could simply use a picture of some skateboarders. No wonder the Tribeca Skatepark resembles a jail…

Jeff Lenoce’s part in Baker Has a Deathwish should’ve been the last time Lil’ Wayne came anywhere near skateboarding. “Suck my skateboard.”

Reggie Miller admits that he pushed Greg Anthony in the 1995 playoffs during his hall of fame induction speech. Regardless, everyone in New York still hates him.

Quote of the Week: “People with friends don’t have condos.” — Jack Sabback

Thanks to everyone who linked and retweeted our “Phattest Outfits” article.

Based on a 25-Cent Story

Four-word Review of Based on a T.R.U. Story: Pluto is way better.

While on the topic of 2 Chainz, there is another round of Death Video throwaways edited to his insistence of starting a riot.

The next thing you should watch today is Manolo’s “Best of” Jovontae Turner mixtape. It puts particular emphasis on the proper form of a 360 flip, and is edited to a RBL Posse song closely associated with one of the more infamous PWBC episodes.

Even when Alien Workshop riders are presented outside the context of an Alien Workshop clip, they are contractually obligated to have their skating surrounded by video “art.” A minute of new Jake Johnson footage for Brick Harbor, plus mandatory shots of lightbulbs, smoke, sparklers, etc. (Our editing department is currently re-editing all of Jake’s recent footage to 50 Cent as a sequel to this.)

The Chrome Ball Incident has a sick Zered Bassett post up.

There is an upcoming skate video named after the (better) Chief Keef song that doesn’t have an annoying Kanye remix. 3Hunna is a video by the Endless Grind crew out of North Carolina. Features a new Connor Champion part.

We missed this month-old early entry to the “Summer Trip to New York” clip cycle. The residents surrounding a certain park on 8th Avenue sure do have a lot of “real” issues to worry about. Apparently, you deserve to go to prison for skateboarding.

Some kids from Jersey threw together a pretty cool 19-minute mini video filmed in New York and outlying areas. Shout out to everyone who takes a NJ Transit train to skate Manhattan every day. NJ Transit suucckks.

Black Dave is opening up for Juicy J at an event in Brooklyn this Thursday.

2012 is weird, man. Dylan Rieder, ASAP Rocky, Zoe Kravitz and other people in the September issue of Vogue. Looks like Rieder settled for Alexander Wang as a fashion sponsor instead of joining Alex Olson on Chanel.

Is poetry the new VHS?

Well, now we know the answer to last November’s question about whether or not dollar burgers could steal some marketshare from New York’s dollar slice industry. A resounding “NO.” Hopefully, no one went in there to try it out.

Got a cruiser re-stock in. Tees this week. Both available online (in store?) soon.