The Michigan Deposit Bottle Scam

“No, an 18-wheeler’s no good. Too much overhead. You got permits, weigh stations, tolls. Look, you’re way out of your league.” You know that thing about life imitating art? Yeah. The Quartersnacks Michigan Bottle Deposit Scam Tour: Coming Soon. Our G & A goes down 50%!

If you ordered a tee or board, your package will be shipped tomorrow. Black tees are sold out online, but will be available at Supreme later this week.

You may have noticed that the entire school of which 12th & A is a part of has been completely fenced off. Well, the building is not condemned, like many had assumed. (There were rumors of a developer trying to get the school off the land in order to build condos some years back.) There is a structural defect on the eastern wall (12th & A is on the west side of the building), and the Board of Ed. had to temporarily close the school in order to administer emergency repairs. You can’t skate there for now, but hopefully, the spot remains when it’s re-opened.

It looks like summer now ends on Columbus Day instead of Labor Day. There’s a place you could go this winter, though. Cut back on the bars and start saving now.

Late, but Ice Cream rebooted their skate team with a few kids who have been ripping around New York these past few years. Not sure about Easter egg colored shoes, but new footage of Andre Beverley, Stephan Martinez and Jamel Marshall is always welcome.

Connor Champion’s full part from the NC-based 3Hunna video.

The Philadelphia City Council temporarily put a bill that would increase fines for skateboarding from $300 to $2,000 (with possibly up to 90 days in jail) on a temporary hold.

Some dudes skating every single crusty bank spot in New York City. #noskateparks

Did Paulgar re-do his look to land some street style shots on menswear blogs?

Here’s an all-night MCVX montage. They skate Crosby Street and seem to be in favor bringing back skateboarding to the front of Union Square, something that has been on a consistent decline since summer 2004.

Fabian Alomar is currently facing 26-to-life in jail as part of California’s “three strikes” law (his “third strike” was a non-violent offense.) DGK released four minutes of largely unseen footage, claiming it would have been his Menace video part, had it actually ever come out. If Fabian has four minutes of footage, there’s got to be other people with unseen clips. Why don’t they just go ahead and release the entire “Menace Video?” Better 17-years-late than never. For now, DGK is selling tees with 100% of the proceeds going to Fabian’s legal fees.

One of the most beloved curbs in lower Manhattan (as seen in those Skate NYC clips from the late-80s and Aaron Szott’s Lurkers 2 section) is no more.

Quote of the Week
Non-Baseball Fan #1: “The Mets are for old Jewish guys.”
Non-Baseball Fan #2: “No, the Yankees are for old Jewish guys.”
Both Non-Baseball Fans Together: “…baseball is for old Jewish guys.”

Where Have You Been? ‘Cause I Never See You Out.

She got good taste in skate brands. Keep in mind that we’re huge fans.

After a week of sparse exposure to the internet, please forgive us if any of these links are like, three days late…

Vice asks Stevie Williams questions that Stevie Nicks and Stevie Wonder had once answered. The photo of the three of them together is incredible.

Sorry for two Vice links in a row, but Taji put together a recap of Black Dave’s opening performance for Juicy J this past Thursday.

This week in our continued coverage of high-fashion’s pursuit of skateboarders, several notable Tompkins personalities have signed on with Rag & Bone. We’re looking forward to seeing more heavily-curated #stylez on the T.F. benches this upcoming fall. (Previously: Alex Olson on Chanel, Dylan Rieder on Alexander Wang. Funny how we predicted this a year ago.)

Here’s Kevin Tierney’s first solo Zoo York ad.

J3 is a homie video by Matt Roberge. It’s hard to tell where it is based out of, but Quartersnacks is contractually obligated to link any video that includes a (particularly great) Max B song. Beyond the soundtrack, it’s an all-around fun 16-minute watch.

R.B. Umali put together two clips for Red Bull in anticipation of Manny Mania. Manny Mania passed (Brezinski won), but any footage of Zered and Luis Tolentino skating New York is always welcome. P.S. Has anyone who takes skate contests too seriously screamed “CONSPIRACY!” in regards to Joey Brezinski designing the obstacles that he wins contests on? P.P.S. Puma has a skate team?

If you enjoy skateboarding, you should buy a plane ticket to Spain. Here’s one bit of motivation, which reveals how it is possible to skate the most blown-out skate trip destination in Europe (the world?) for three weeks, and still avoid many of its most famous spots. Oh, and Madrid has a lot of spots too, in case you didn’t know.

EVENTS! If you’re into contests and demos, the Afro Punk Festival is this weekend.

DON’T FORGET! Film a stupid line, and win a Girl/Indy/Spitfire complete, Nikes, stunner shades and a grip of Four-Star gear.

Quote of the Week: “Should I see Magic Mike or the Katy Perry movie?” — T-Bird

Last but not least, there was a Ryan Hickey sighting yesterday.

Heat Wave / End of Summer 2011

Fresh off stealing mad bottles from the Rick Ross concert last night (here’s Ross without his trademark sunglasses), and combined with this morning’s crisp, early-fall temperature, it’s only right to present to you our End of Summer / Heat Wave video. It encompasses everything we were up to throughout the past three months: Barcelona, the Wave at Bowery Stadium, skating at night to beat the heat, and perhaps most impressively, somehow coming up with four or five minutes of New York footage entirely filmed in Manhattan (save one trick.) It’s also proof that our recent HD conversion had minimal effects on our attitudes towards production values.

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to support Quartersnacks, and the crew at Bowery Stadium for putting together a great event. Thanks to everyone else that helped us make this video possible as well. Until next summer…

Clip features Daniel Lebron, Doug Brown, Tyler Tufty, Thomas Taylor, Michael Mackrodt, Josh Velez, Andy Henrie, Mike Cuneo, Marcel Veldman, Sven Aerts, Andre Page, Ty Lyons, Corey Rubin, Jahmal Williams, Zered Bassett, Phil Rodriguez, Bryce Golder, Conor Fay, Sean Kelling, Justin Brock, Dan Plunkett, Emilio Cuilan, Mark Nardelli, Ritchard Swain, Alexander Mosley, and Young Chris. Cameos by Mannie Fresh and DJ Roctakon.

Pad’s quote about his party footage outdoing his skate footage came true…

(Alternate YouTube Link)

End of Summer Slump

So as the summer ends, we start a new season…” Slow update week last week. Though it’s Labor Day, our end of summer project won’t be out for another week and a half. Here’s the one from last year.

Pretty sick that people could fly to New York all the way from Denmark and still be down to session Three Up Three Down instead of hucking themselves down the Courthouse Drop or something more tourist-like.

There’s about ten seconds of Gino footage in this Nike Barcelona clip. (He also has an ad in the newest Antenna magazine, unfortunately one-upping the great Geo Moya.) There’s another similar crew clip with Omar Salazar shredding a lot of Barcelonian landmarks as well.

The ratio of lifestyle footage to skateboarding in Alex Carolino New York clip is horrible, but there are a few cool clips in there. Skating over trashcans off those high benches on Wall Street and South Street is getting real popular now, huh?

Crailtap Fives with the Chrome Ball Incident. (Thanks for the support.)

Depending on your tolerance for absurd northeastern conceptions of what a skate spot is, you may find that Hurricane Irene left some new terrain behind following last weekend. (Not sure how to skate that particular obstacle in the link though.)

Spot Updates: 1. They replaced the clunky ground on the Maiden Lane C-Benches with even more clunky ground. 2. NYU put new knobs on the recently unknobbed frontside for regular/backside for goofy up ledge on Mercer and Third. If you just moved to New York and are beginning school at NYU this semester, you will be expected to remove all the knobs from this spot. 3. Budweiser 24 oz. cans are now available in 3 packs.

Rumor of the Week:Alex Olson has a longboard.” — Tron Jenkins

Quote of the Week:Are you guys hipsters?” — A girl in shorts and lime green Doc Marten’s with an Electric Zoo ($250 electro/techno festival) wristband on the 6 train

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Filming Clips, Straight Off the iPhone

Contrary to what Rick Ross may insist, the iPhone probably isn’t well suited for “selling dope.” However, it’s great for second angles and quick clips when you’re sitting around lurking at skate spots, as many have learned. (It’s not ironic that a former law enforcement official encourages impressionable youths to perform illegal activities on a highly traceable piece of technology, but perhaps he’s just trying to make his colleagues’ jobs easier.)

If Universitat is Barcelona’s (vastly superior) version of Union, then MACBA is the city’s (vastly superior) version of Tompkins and 12th & A. People kind of just get stuck lurking there, and avoiding it is a badge you can proudly wear, just like “I haven’t been to Tompkins in weeks” is a controversial conversation piece for any New York skater. Further similarities exist in that it’s too dark to skate MACBA at night (doesn’t stop people from trying), and it is a premier location for “homie cam” clips. If Diamond Days clips were based in Barcelona, they’d undoubtedly have their 3:1 duration ratio of 12th & A to non-12th & A footage replaced with MACBA footage. As a result, here is an iPhone clip, largely composed of footage filmed while sitting bored at MACBA, and other joyful moments.

Features Ishod Wair, some lil’ homie (who also appears in a recent Clint Peterson Transworld clip), Tyler Tufty, Vladamir Kirilenko, [poached footage of] Omar Salazar, Andre Page, Ty Lyons, Doug Brown, Andy Henrie, Marcel Veldman, and E.J.

Alternate YouTube Link