Andrew Miami videographer Zoogie dropped a six-minute New Year’s edit featuring Sully Cardenas, Stafhon Boca, Coles Bailey, Elijah Odom and many more familiar faces. Gabe’s noseslide at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store might legit be the second or third clip anyone has ever got there on account of the security.
“This took 6 four hour sessions, 8 gallons of lacquer, 4 sets of rails, 3 grinder blades, 2 custom longboards, 1 law enforcement evasion tactic and 20+ hours of labor.” — Satan. Kyle Walsh on the boardslide, Alex Papke on the photo for Satan’s Drano.
We have a Mommy’s Little Meatball tee sighting! Germany’s Irregular skate mag made a very fire Summer Trip To New York edit featuring Denny Pham, Daniel Ledermann (doing the best backside flip imaginable, naturally), Nassim Lachhab and more. The whole thing really picks up a few octaves towards the end, too.
The city announced a partnership with The Skatepark Project (formerly the Tony Hawk Foundation) that will renovate objectively two of the worst skateparks in New York (the one inside Brower and this one in The Bronx that some people from The Bronx don’t even know exists), plus build new ones in Soundview and Prospect Park. Waiting on that phase two announcement for the Banks though…
Thanks to everyone who grabbed something from the webstore. We spent all holiday weekend catching up on orders, and if you ordered something, and have not received it a shipping notification yet, you should expect a confirmation e-mail within the next 24-48 hours. Thanks again for the support ♥ Available now at your local shop in case you missed out on something as well.
Some inspiration for the 30+ crowd — a Patrick Bös part, entitled “Visiting Friends,” of which a ~third is filmed in New York.
New five-minute montage from the guys who everyone spent the past decade ripping off: “Gang Green” via Winnepeg’s Green Apple Skateshop. It’s somewhere between Ty Evans’ Genesis video from 1997, and Sinner in Theatrix.
“No one knew what kind of permit he needed to operate a ski lift in a snowless area.” Huck usually posts awful stuff pertaining to skateboarding, but they have an interesting-enough article about a dude who retired from winemaking in the late-80s, and tried to essentially make a ski hill but for skateboards outside of Montpellier, France. The video kinda paints a better picture than the photos though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spot Updates — 1) For whatever fortuitous reason, the Parks Department removed the knobs from the runway of the Battery Park City ledge-to-flatbar. Haven’t been here all spring, so not sure how recent it is, but yeah, it’s a go. 2) The scaffolding is off from the Chase steps.
QS Sports Desk Play of the Week: We’re potentially in for a 4-0 Finals, so here’s Joel Embiid making a funny on a Philadelphia streetball court.
Quote of the Week: “Bro, you should just move to Kips Bay.” — Brengar
“Every time you disprove the prejudices of a pedestrian, you win a small victory that reverses the erosion of our collective social capital.” As sarcastic as we may get about the tired “skaters see the world differently” trope, there’s always something reassuring in our ability to — on on some tiny level — leave the world better than it was before, provided we stop sitting around talking shit about pants for long enough. Caught in the Crossfire’s “Four Small Ways Skateboarding Can Change the World” is inspiring, intelligent and heartwarming writing for a tough world right now.
If you guys in the comments are calling Shanahan a “’99 Kalis deadringer,” you better brace yourselves for the ’99 Stevie version because its really really real.
This might be an illegal link, but here’s Yaje’s Riddles in Mathematics part til it gets taken down. Non-sketchy link to buy the video here. Sorry TWS, it’s Yaje ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“One day’s lifted bar soon becomes the next day’s hurdle to be ollied, and later kickflipped, and eventually kilty mcbagpipped for an after-credits clip set to a whimsical indie-rock tune.” — Boil the Ocean explores ledge skating’s shrinking middle class, via the lens of Tiago’s switch back tail™. And yes, YouTube debaters, Antonio could’ve easily been #1 but Tiago got it for the trick’s status as a “culture-unifying moment.”
Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine is now available to stream on Hulu. (You may need to put in your card info for a free trial blah blah blah.) You can read and disagree with the QS review here.
*Non-Skate Related Alert* The latest episode of 99% Invisible deals with abandoned buildings, squatters, riots, and everything else surrounding Tompkins Square Park in the 80s and 90s. “You got guns? We got piss buckets.” Shout to Mostly.
Quote of the Week: “The price isn’t the problem. Pryce is the problem.” — Dallas Todd
I learned frontside flips via Pryce’s Seaport line A.K.A. have never fully *flipped* one in my life. They still count in S.K.A.T.E. though ;) Thanks Pryce.
We will temporarily be closing up our webstore this week. There are mostly mediums left with a few white larges and XLs. Cruisers are almost gone too. It will be back in the spring with new gear. Thanks to anyone who supported and bought anything.
A Visual Sound sat down with Brad Rosado to talk about Parental Advisory’s all hip-hop music supervision. It was actually surprising that Stevie didn’t skate to Meek Mill, considering that even in the Roc-A-Fella era, Philly didn’t have a top-tier “relevant” rapper to lay claim to. (Always thought “Ready or Not” would go well with a skate part.) Also, “blue collar filming” is a great term.
“99% Invisible,” a public radio show about design, has a sixteen-minute episode about Love Park and skateboarding in public spaces. Solid listen, even if it’s tailored to a mass audience and telling much about what you already know. It reminds us of how this was one of the greatest moments in skateboard history.
Brian Clarke’s part from Outdatedis online. The Bridgeport line is sick. And here’s another part from the NJ-based In Crust We Trust video.
Battylife is an 18-minute New York and New Jersey-based video by Sam Fickinger, with a soundtrack that’ll make people who don’t listen to Future happy.