The Other Love Sign


After Rodney Torres 5050ed through in like a 2001 issue of Thrasher, you kinda had to figure there wasn’t much else to for full-grown adults do on the back end of the ‘E’ of the love sign on 55th and Sixth Avenue. Then Josh 5-0ed it in Lurkers 3 last year, and you really had to think there’s no other way an adult could contort his body to fit through something no larger than your average car trunk.

Somehow, someway, the tallest adult to ever skate the spot — the ~5′ 11-ish Connor Champion — managed to condense himself into a human S and charge a nosegrind through the keyhole of the E. Unless there’s an Instagram video of Rob Welsh doing a noseslide or Daniel Kim drops a new part he never told anyone about these next five days, you already know what #1 of next week’s Quartersnacks Top 10 is going to be ;)

The claustrophobic nosegrind and a bunch of Wade D. footage could be found in Grand Collection‘s new one.

Previously: Grand Collection — ‘Naomi’