#QSTOP10 — November 17, 2023

“Wait, didn’t Frankie already back noseblunt The Grate™?”

Yeah, in 2021 — to fakie in a “Real Street” part. But really like the idea of going back to re-do one of the wildest things ever done over The Grate™ to regular two years later, kinda like “once more, for the people in the back,” rather than letting it fade into obscurity inside of a Real Street part.

Otherwise, some Atlantic Drift, some Coda video, and the rare Ryuhei Kitazume appearance where he isn’t at #1.

And you should really go watch César Bijnens’ “Fine Go Skate With Your Stupid Friends” part that our friends at Place premiered. So many wild European spots and third-eye-open approaches to skating them, beyond the highlighted tailslide that aptly gets replayed three times.

AND YES, this got filed before Trevor Thompson’s Static VI part dropped on Thrasher and also before the awesome Leo Bodelazzi Venture part on Free.

Original Clips:


Previously: November 10, 2023


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