Torey Goodall, arguably Canada’s second finest athlete after Steve Nash, spent a considerable portion of this past fall in New York. If you could collect lifestyle hammers into one four-minute video part, his month-and-a-half here would be the lifestyle-equivalent of Mariano in Mouse. Unfortunately, the cameras are rarely rolling for those, and they are often left to memory and legend. Instead, we managed to film a quick part for Quiksilver Canada, aided by the many beverages that fuel Torey’s brand of stylish and most-likely-hungover skateboarding. If “The Notorious Partyboy Soundtrack” is the official partyboy mixtape, this is without question, the official partyboy skate part. After all, has anyone else drank a martini in a video part, or filmed a line with a King of Diamonds haircut before? Shout out to the whole NBPS family.
This video is a collaboration on two levels — Quiksilver x Quartersnacks & 2 Beerz x 2 Chainz.
Contributing filmer: Rob Harris.
Alternate YouTube Link: This Polo, not Izod.
“Oh 2 Beerz is back in town? I need to get a new roll of film.” — Boss Bauer
“I love when Torey comes to town, it’s like a holiday. Everyone gets off work and shit.” — T-Bird